Quebec: The Common Front at a Crossroads: the Struggle must Continue!

On Wednesday December 9, over 400,000 workers from the public sector (state employees, hospital workers, teachers etc) downed tools across Quebec, in the biggest general strike movement in the province’s and even in Canadian history. Most schools, hospitals, other public services and ministries were shut down, in a gigantic demonstration of force of the Quebec […]

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Quebec: Biggest Public Sector Strike in 40 Years

Quebec’s half-million public-sector workers have been without a contract since March 2015. Philippe Couillard’s Liberal government is trying to use this as an opportunity to “reign in spending” by attacking employees’ working conditions and the quality of the services they offer. Unions are seeking a 13.5% raise over three years while the government has countered […]

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Quebec: Government attacks spark workers’ protests

Step up industrial action to defeat government plans Workers’ mass protests and the votes for strikes in the public sector, starting at the end of September, were triggered as a result of terms the Liberal Party government of Philippe Couillard wants to impose on new collective agreements, which expired at the end of March. This […]

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