Striking Canada

Have you heard about the record-high level of workers’ actions in 2023? Has it been all over the news and social media? No. Big business does not want workers to know that “When You Strike, You Can Win!” Strikes in Canada hit the highest level in 2023 since 1986! The bosses lost 6,631,724 days of […]

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Workers Rising

Tim Heffernan and Bill Hopwood, from Socialist Alternative Issue #26 The rising cost of living, boosted by high interest rates, continue to hit workers hard. In Canada and around the world there has been an upturn in strikes. As Mick Lynch, a British union leader, stated, “The working class is back, and we refuse to […]

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The Robbery of Nature

Chris Stewart is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland), Bill Hopwood is a member of Socialist Alternative Canada. John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark, 2020, Monthly Review Capitalist production…only develops … by simultaneously undermining the original sources of all wealth — the soil and the worker. Marx, Capital The Robbery of Nature […]

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NDP Fails in Alberta

Just over a year ago, the NDP was in front of the United Conservative Party (UCP) in every opinion poll, with an average lead of over 10 percent. Yet on May 29, the UCP won a majority of the votes (52.6 percent), and seats in the poll that matters: Alberta’s election.  In 2020 and 2021 […]

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Fire and Smoke

While Alberta’s deeply divided election rolls on, the province is suffering from fire and smoke. A dry winter and a hot spring have left much of the province tinder dry. The fires, that started in early May, by May 21 have already burnt over 940,000 hectares of land. This is more than any year since […]

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We Can’t Afford Capitalism

In early 2020, COVID engulfed Canadians and the world in turmoil that has not ended. War in the Ukraine, convoy in Ottawa, inflation everywhere, and fear of a banking crisis and another recession. In June 2022, inflation was above 8 percent, the highest rate in over 40 years. It has declined to 5 percent, but […]

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Canada’s Continuing Environmental Failure

“The list of failures grows longer yet again.” Plain speaking from Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment. Jerry DeMarco outlined some of the government’s failings in reporting on April 26. The government is not measuring if its policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are working. It is not on track to meet its goal to plant […]

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