Profit-Gouging Oil Companies

Gas prices have soared around the world, adding to inflation that is hitting workers’ living standards. Vancouver, like its overinflated housing market, has Canada’s highest gas prices. The price of gas in Vancouver rose from $1.60 a litre in December 2021 to $2 a litre in March and over $2.30 in May. In most of […]

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Trudeau’s “Moral and Economic Madness”

Liberals Plan to Boost Climate Change The federal Liberals’ decision to give the go-ahead to a major new oil field off the coast of Newfoundland shows their climate change policies are a dangerous fraud. The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states the world faces a “now or never” time […]

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Polarization Comes to Canada

The “freedom” convoy has faded into the background. The war in Ukraine, inflation, and warmer weather are top of mind. But the convoy provoked a decisive change in Canadian society and politics that will not go away. The right wing is pumped as they successfully spurred a section of society to the right. Tory MPs […]

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Poison Drugs Emergency

After six years of BC’s public health emergency due to poison drugs things are much worse. The health emergency was declared following 474 deaths in 2015, yet in 2021 there were at least 2,232 drug fatalities. In contrast, there were 1,522 COVID deaths for all of 2021. After six years deaths are nearly five times […]

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Killer Gasoline

Lead is a well-known poison. Its harmful effects have been known for 2,000 years.  Dioscorides wrote that “Lead makes the mind give way.” Yet 100 years ago, car manufacturers and oil companies started a mass lead poisoning. Researchers at General Motors found that by adding a lead compound, tetraethyl lead (TEL), several problems with internal […]

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Vancouver Cops – Over the Top

On Friday November 12, the last day of COP26, a peaceful rally of several hundred for climate justice was disrupted by over-the-top action of the Vancouver Police Department. An Indigenous man, as part of a ceremony, placed red handprints, representing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, on the building that houses Canada’s Department of […]

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Socialist Change, Not Climate Change

Climate change is real, and its impacts are clear. Increasingly the climate disaster feels apocalyptic. The real issue is not: is there climate change? What is to be done? – that is the question. Some, especially young people, feel despair worrying about the future state of the world. If the governments and corporations that dominate […]

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