Venezuela: Scarcity and Speculation – Whose Fault Is It?

Gabriela Sánchez is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela). At the end of October, in a national address to the nation, Maduro announced the discovery of two enormous warehouses of medical goods in Aragua state. While speaking, images were shown of row after row of towering shelves with everything from wheelchairs to needles […]

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Venezuela: Bolivarian government and right-wing opposition discuss ‘Pact of Co-Existence’

Gabriela Sánchez and John Rivas are members of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela). Urgent need for a revolutionary alternative In the midst of deep economic and political crisis in Venezuela, generated by the counter- revolutionary actions of the right wing and the erratic policies of the government, combined with the possibility of an increase in […]

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