CWI/IR unification: An historic strengthening of the forces of Marxism

22 July unification congress unanimously approves unification The Committee for a Workers’ International and Izquierda Revolucionaria held a special unification congress on 22 July in Barcelona. This was the culmination of an intense and thorough process of discussion, exchange, and practical joint militant work between both organisations over more than 10 months. Delegates elected by […]

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Venezuela: The Constituent Assembly and tasks for revolutionaries

Combat the counter-revolution with socialist, not capitalist policies On 1 May, President Nicolas Maduro announced the calling of a Constituent Assembly, “to achieve peace the Republic needs…. to defeat the fascist coup… so that it will be the people and their sovereignty which impose peace, harmony and real national dialogue.” This declaration comes in the […]

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Spain: Sanchez wins PSOE primaries as Podemos holds mass rally

This is a statement by Izquierda Revolucionaria’s Executive Committee. The ruling class shoots itself in the foot Pedro Sánchez won a landslide victory in the PSOE (Social Democracy) primaries. With a historic turnout (80% of members voted) Sanchez won 50%, against the candidate of the right-wing coup leadership, Susana Díaz who was left with 40%, […]

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Spain: Historic congress of Izquierda Revolucionaria

Unanimous vote towards unification with the CWI The congress of Izquierda Revolucionaria (IR) in the Spanish state was held from 13 to 16 April in Madrid. This was the 22nd congress since the organisation of Marxists organised around the paper ‘El Militante’ was founded, but was the most special congress we have held for many […]

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CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification

Joint declaration of the CWI’s and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s International Executive Committees In September 2016, we published a brief declaration after holding an initial meeting between our two organisations – a very fruitful meeting which revealed a broad agreement, politically and in terms of our methods of building a revolutionary party. In this meeting, we agreed […]

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