Oxfam’s ‘Profiting From Pain’ Report–“The Best Times” for Billionaires

James Fleming is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The coronavirus pandemic has been among “the best times in recorded history for the billionaire class”, according to Oxfam in their Profiting From Pain report. While increasing numbers of working class and poor people have been sacrificing meals, warmth, healthcare and other necessities, […]

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Planet on Fire — A Manifesto for the Age of Environmental Breakdown

James Fleming is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). Capitalism’s “solutions” to climate change are unfair or unworkable, when not outright disastrous. Using reusable coffee cups or paper straws won’t avert climate change. Telling ordinary people to buy expensive new electric cars as a way of saving the environment is today’s equivalent […]

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