Workers Force Service Canada Offices Shut

“When I want to do good, I don’t; and when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway.” Romans 7:19, Living New Testament There aren’t many times you’ll see biblical quotations from Socialist Alternative, but, this fits, since it aptly describes some of the dilemmas and actions of Justin Trudeau and various others […]

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Logo of Sothern Chiefs Organization

Indigenous Leaders ask Cuba for Help

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization of Manitoba asked that Indigenous Services Canada and the Canadian federal government allow a Cuban healthcare brigade be deployed to serve in local First Nations’ communities during the COVID-19 outbreak. For those who are not familiar with the Cuban International Medical Brigades, they are integrated teams of health professionals who have […]

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Canada’s Inadequate Response to COVID-19

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact Canada, we see all levels of government taking increasingly desperate measures to avert the kind of catastrophe we are seeing unfold in Italy. On more than one occasion, officials have referred to past outbreaks, like SARS, to pat themselves on the back and talk about how much they’ve […]

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Elk valley open-pi coal mine

Energy companies put Profits Before Safety

Teck Resources (2019 revenue of $11.9 billion, 2019 “adjusted profit” of $1.6 billion) is in the news this morning for a typically capitalist display of  corona virus corporate responsibility British Columbia’s Elk Valley. Teck is upgrading facilities for its mining operations in the valley which, among other things, involves a work camp of up to […]

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The Fentanyl Crisis

In BC, fentanyl deaths have just kept growing from 50 in 2013 to 1,422 in 2017. In the US in 2016, 64,000 people died of drugs overdoses, up from 52,000 the year before. Fentanyl is behind the surge, as deaths from fentanyl have surged from around 2,000 a year before 2014 to over 20,000 in […]

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