Two Years Since Lytton Destroyed

It’s been two long years. On June 30, 2021, the lives of people in Lytton, BC were changed forever, when fire swept through their community, devastating the entire village: city hall, the police station, the fire hall, two museums and the entire seven blocks of the commercial district. Almost every house was destroyed. Less than […]

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Alienation and Capitalism

We are publishing a pair of articles from our current magazine on Solidarity and Alienation, that go together well. Alienation is a defining feature of our epoch that Marx wrote about near the beginning of the industrial era. We are social animals and alienation goes against the very nature of our being. Marx described how […]

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The Communist Manifesto: 175 Years

by Karl Marx & Fredrich Engels 175 years ago, on February 21, 1848, The Communist Manifesto was published, opening the eyes of the world to ideas that would threaten the political basis of bourgeois society. A bombshell when it came out, it contains the germ of many key Marxist ideas and for the first time, […]

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Public Health Care: born out of struggle

Sixty years ago, North America’s first socialist government, in the heart of the Canadian prairies, Saskatchewan, enacted one of the demands outlined in its manifesto: a free, public health care system. This new program was enacted on July 1, 1962. However, this was not without a struggle, as on the first day of its enactment, […]

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Stand with Wet’suwet’en and the Climate

No to Corporate Profiteering Socialist Alternative Canada joins organizations across Canada and the US in calling for the big banks to divest from the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline. Supporters and allies of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs have called for the December 20th Week of Action to #DefundCoastalGasLink. In 2020, 27 banks from around the world […]

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