Defeat Bolsonaro, the Coup and the Neoliberal Agenda — Voting is Not Enough

We need to build struggle and a socialist alternative! Every day we see and feel new reasons for the urgency of defeating Bolsonaro. Rising prices and hunger, unemployment, corruption in education, sabotage of the Covid vaccination, new cases of racism and police violence, privatisation, social cuts and environmental destruction with deforestation, the release of pesticides, […]

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Stop the Coup in the Streets, Defeat Bolsonaro and Rebuild a Socialist Alternative!

Defeating the coup being prepared by Bolsonaro and his supporters is the central task for conscious workers and the oppressed people resisting the daily hell of inflation, unemployment, hunger, racism, sexism and violence under this extreme right-wing government and the capitalist crisis. The current majority leaderships of the left and centre-left think that this will […]

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Strengthen the Struggles and a Socialist Alternative to Defeat Bolsonaro and Neoliberalism

Every day we see new reasons for the urgency of defeating Bolsonaro: the deaths caused by torrential rains, rising prices and hunger, the sabotage of the vaccination of children against Covid, new racist murders, privatisations, social cuts and the impact of mining and release of agrotoxins. Despite numerous crises and protests, the Bolsonaro government has […]

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