Ireland: Historic Victory to Repeal Abortion Laws

Statement by Socialist Party (Ireland MPs) Ruth Coppinger, Paul Murphy and Mick Barry. Ireland voted by 66.4% to repeal the 8th Amendment, which had banned abortion in Ireland. This is a huge victory for a grass roots moment, in which the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) had a proud role.  The dramatic and clear-cut ‘Yes’ […]

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Review of “Adults In The Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment”

Paul Murphy is a member of Irish Parliament and the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland). Adults In The Room, by Yanis Varoufakis, is a must-read for those who aspire to building a left that can achieve governmental power and transform society. That is not because Yanis Varoufakis has the answers about how to achieve that, but […]

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Ireland: A Rotten State Exposed

Paul Murphy is a member of Irish Parliament and the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland). Jobstown, Operation Mizen, Maurice McCabe… The trial of seven adult defendants on charges of false imprisonment for participating in a peaceful, sit-down protest against former Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) and Labour Party leader, Joan Burton, in November 2014 began at […]

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New movements, old dilemma- Reform or Revolution today

Paul Murphy is a member of Irish Parliament and the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland). The election of the Syriza government in February 2015 was greeted with enthusiastic support by working class people in Greece and across Europe, only to turn into bitter disappointment after its capitulation to the Troika in July. As inequality and […]

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