Vaccine Rules – a Socialist Take

The emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID highlights the ongoing failings of governments around the world to tackle this pandemic. Vaccine hoarding by rich countries, companies putting profit before human need, governments failing to do outreach to hard-to-reach and hesitant communities and people have all contributed to this ongoing misery. The COVID pandemic drags […]

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Members of SA Victoria and SA Metro Vancouver collecting signatures for paid sick leave in British Columbia

BC: 5 Paid Sick Days a Disappointing Win

The BC government announced a guaranteed minimum number of employer-paid sick days for most workers; there are exclusions. The Worker Solidarity Network, the BC Federation of Labour, and other allied groups, including Socialist Alternative, called for 10 paid sick days per year for all workers, as a minimum standard required to ensure the health and […]

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RCMP Pepper Spraying land defenders at Fairy Creek

Judge Criticizes RCMP at Fairy Creek

The BC Supreme Court made news in September by deciding not to extend an injunction against old-growth logging protesters at the Fair Creek watershed. This would have ended the ongoing RCMP enforcement of the injunction, had the BC Court of Appeal not granted a temporary injunction about a week later. Protesters have been in the […]

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Pacific Salmon Collapse

Aquaculture, Mismanagement and Climate Change In 2020 the Fraser River sockeye salmon run collapsed. This catastrophic and historic collapse is a real existential emergency for these fish and the people who rely on them. This follows a series of record-breaking bad years.  Between 1980 and 2014, sockeye returns in the Fraser River fluctuated between a […]

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