Canada Re-opens – Socialist Alternative Demands:

Governments across Canada, and the world, are pushing to re-open the economy. With COVID-19 still rampaging, this is putting profit before people. But the economy won’t just re-open. Millions are unemployed, many more have lost wages and face a rent crisis. People are not going to spend as they did before. Business is not going […]

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The Whole System is Rotten

As COVID-19 engulfed the Earth, most governments failed to protect society. A rare few acted quickly and decisively to test, trace, isolate and provide personal protective equipment (PPE), managing without lockdowns and widespread closures to contain the virus. Many, such as Canada, acted too little and too late. Others, such as the US, Brazil, India, […]

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Caring in the time of COVID

Socialist Alternative interviewed Amanda Where do you work, and what is your job there?  I work for a pharmacy, as a Community Mental Health Worker, in a medication monitoring program. My job involves going around to a list of patients in the community, who are certified under the BC Mental Health Act, to give them […]

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Work in a Primary Care Clinic

The COVID-19 crisis has shown a remarkable ability to lay bare any issues, inadequacies, and lacks in our provincial health care system. In order to better understand exactly how the pandemic is straining our health care system and revealing its flaws, I talked to Blake, a health care worker, about how his job has changed […]

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Small business problems during COVID-19

Socialist Alternative interviewed Vesna Rosales, a small business owner in the west end of Toronto SA: Tell me something about yourself and your business. Vesna: I’ve had a nail and beauty salon business for the last 6 years. I manage it and do some reception work there. I also have an at home travel business […]

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Canada: Instability Rising

Canada enters 2020 with growing instability. The Federal election raised more questions than it settled. Tensions between provinces are increasing. The economy is slowing down as the world faces a new recession. The Liberals held their own in Ontario and Québec, exploiting dislike of Doug Ford and fears of Scheer’s right-wing policies, and managed to […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #14

Climate Justice and Jobs Instability Rising Ontario Struggle Needed Where is Canada’s Women’s Movement? Hypocrisy to Indigenous Peoples No War on Iran 2019: A Year of Struggles Housing Victory … more from Canada and the World If you would like to order copy(ies) contact us at [email protected]

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Socialist Alternative Canada condemns military coup in Bolivia

This statement was sent by Socialist Alternative Canada to Prime Minister Trudeau and Foreign Minister Champagne. Under threats of violence from sections of the military and right-wing paramilitary thugs, President Evo Morales, Vice President Álvaro García-Linera, the leaders of the Bolivia Senate and Chamber of Deputies, as well as a number of government ministers were […]

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Canada: Instability Ahead

Canadians woke up on Tuesday to a parliament vastly different than what we’ve had for the past four years. The new parliament reflects the profound regional differences, an urban/rural divide and diverging visions of Canada’s economy as either primarily resource-based or diversified and “green.” However, the results did not reveal a sharp class divide, although […]

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A New Politics Needed: Strong Left is Best Answer to the Right

Millions of Canadians are wondering who to vote for in the federal election. Many will decide by going for the least bad option. This is in sharp contrast to four years ago, when there was energy to kick out Harper and make real change. Trudeau successfully harnessed the desire for change, seeming to boldly offer […]

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