Ferguson Leaflet

Leaflet distributed in Ferguson by Socialist Alternative US FergusonLeaflet

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Jess Spear Primary result

“We’ve only just gotten started” Dear supporters, Every one of you should be proud of what we accomplished in our primary election campaign. In the first count of votes on election night we had won 19% against the most powerful legislator in the state, and as the late votes are counted we will likely end […]

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Victory in Seattle: “When We Organize We Can Win!”

$15 Minimum Wage in Seattle Video from Kshama Sawant (Seattle Socialist Councillor) & Jess Spear (15 Now organizer) Seattle City Council has agreed a $15 minimum wage. This will be the highest minimum wage in the US or Canada. Most minimum wages in Canada are $10, or a bit more. This historic achievement was the […]

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Victory for $15 in Seattle!

How Socialists Built a Winning Movement Seattle is the first major city to pass a $15/hr minimum wage. 100,000 workers will be lifted out of poverty, and millions will be inspired all over the country and around the world. On May 29th the city council’s committee dealing with the minimum wage voted to raise Seattle’s […]

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Seattle Mayor Announces His Minimum Wage Proposal

Seattle Mayor Announces His Minimum Wage Proposal However, his proposal includes numerous loopholes: Large companies have three years to phase in the $15 wage, four years if they offer healthcare benefits Small businesses (defined as having fewer than 500 employees nationwide) will have phase-in periods of anywhere between five and seven years Healthcare and tips […]

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Kshama Sawant Responds to Obama’s State of the Union address

President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address January 28th, 2014 to an audience of millions of Americans looking for signs of relief from consistently deteriorating living standards. Obama commented on the ever expanding gap between the very rich and the rest of us, and he spoke about raising the federal minimum wage from […]

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Kshama Sawant inauguration speech

Hundreds gather to witness socialist’s historic inauguration Below we publish the text of today’s speech by Kshama Sawant, newly elected Seattle city councillor from Socialist Alternative (CWI in USA). A video of the speech can be see here (starting 29 minutes in). My brothers and sisters, Thank you for your presence here today. This city […]

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