Government Workers On Strike

On Wednesday, April 19, over 100,000 workers started their strike with pickets at least 250 workplaces. On Friday, April 7, 35,000 workers at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) voted in favour of strike action ahead of mediation talks set to take place later this month. On Thursday, April 13, they were joined by another 120,000 […]

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Ford’s Second Black Eye

Court Rules Wage Cap Law Illegal Two weeks ago Doug Ford suffered the first major defeat of his time in office when the strike movement of 55,000 CUPE education workers and the threat of an Ontario-wide general strike forced him to withdraw pre-emptive back-to-work legislation. That was the first black eye. The second one came […]

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Movie Review -Triangle of Sadness

The new movie from Danish director Ruben Östlund has the enigmatic title “Triangle of Sadness.” It derives from the suggestion made to Carl, in the role of a male model, that he gets Botox to rid himself of his “triangle of sadness” (the wrinkles that form in the area between one’s eyebrows) in order to […]

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Ontario Health System Privatization

“‘It’s going to bankrupt health care’: Spending on temp agency nurses up more than 550% since pre-pandemic at one Toronto hospital network,” ran the headline in the Toronto Star. “Ontario isn’t ruling out privatization in health care,” was a headline on CBC News. Temp Agency Nursing is Privatization Given the shortage of 15,000 nurses since […]

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Rogers’ Outage

On Friday, July 8, millions of Canadians woke up to find they couldn’t make phone calls, send texts or access the internet. Comments were going round social media, once the lines were reconnected, that it shouldn’t be such a bad thing if phone and social media were out for a day — maybe people would […]

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Canada’s Fossil Fool

A joke currently doing the rounds: “Definition of a fossil fool — A politician who spends $9.1 billion on an emission reduction plan while spending twice as much to expand a tar sands pipeline.” No prize for identifying the fool in question. The foolishness is underlined by the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on […]

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Ontario: Kick Ford Out

Ontario goes to the polls on June 2. Doug Ford must go. Yet, this seems unlikely with the polls giving him a clear lead. How, after four years of U-turns, cutting services, gaffes and COVID shambles, is this possible? Somehow, Ford has led a charmed life over these years. He started off with policies to […]

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