US China Conflict Will Continue

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Biden Gets Ready to Wage A Global “Democracy Offensive” The conflict between a rising Chinese state capitalism and waning US capitalism has emerged as the defining global conflict of our time. Under Trump, the US imposed massive tariffs on China, banned the technology company […]

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US Capitalism Faces Multifaceted Crisis

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A devastating pandemic has triggered a deep economic downturn which comes only a decade after the Great Recession that already exposed capitalism’s rot. Institutions have lost credibility and political polarization is at unprecedented levels. Beyond this, the clock is ticking towards irreversible climate change. […]

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Never Another Trump: Why We Need a Working Class Party

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. What should a new party of the left based on the interests of working people look like? Working people in the U.S. are facing a crisis of massive proportions. Decades of neoliberal attacks on unions and the gains of working people have created the […]

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Trump Madness and Threats to Steal Election Still Real

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. With less than a month to go until election day, the presidential election has begun to turn in the Democrats’ favor after a disastrous debate performance by Donald Trump. This was followed by Trump testing positive for Covid-19 which most people – two thirds according to […]

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Socialists and the State: How to End Racist Policing

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The nature of policing in the United States is inseparable from the violent, racist history of capitalism in this country. From slave patrols; to Bull Connor’s unleashing dogs and fire hoses against black protesters in Montgomery during the Civil Rights movement; to the police […]

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Despite Establishment Sabotage, Sanders Wins Popular Vote in Iowa

Tom Crean and Keely Mullen are members of Socialist Alternative in the US. The Democratic Party machine organized a shambles in the Iowa caucus, the first primary of the US Presidential campaign. When the votes were finally counted, several days late, Bernie Sanders had won. He had 45,826 votes, 26.6%, with Buttigieg second with 43,195 […]

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Was Corbyn “Too far Left”? The real lessons of Britain’s election for the US Left

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. For socialists who want to see the right and its agenda defeated, the victory of the reactionary Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party in last week’s general election in Britain is obviously a serious setback. The corporate media and the leadership of the Democratic […]

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Sanders, Warren, and the Fight for Socialist Change

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. How Far Can Capitalism Be Reformed? The 2020 presidential election marks a dramatic shift in U.S. politics. The debate in the Democratic Party has increasingly become defined by the ideas and proposals of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. In particular, Sanders, along with Alexandria […]

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US: Workers Action Leads to Trump Retreat

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. President Trump’s has been forced to retreat from his demand that the Democrats agree to fund a border wall as the price for reopening the government.But while the Democrats refused, under pressure from their base, to cave to this demand, they were in no […]

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US: Midterm elections weaken Republicans

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. How can we really defeat the right? The midterm elections in the U.S. represented a limited “blue wave” and an overall rejection of Trump by the electorate. Republicans were relieved their losses weren’t worse while many progressive workers and youth were disappointed the outcome […]

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