Over Half a Million on Strike in Québec

Over 500,000 Québec public service workers were on strike on Thursday, November 23. There were huge rallies across the province. This is the latest stage of the workers’ struggle to improve both their pay and conditions and the quality of public services. On November 6, 420,000 public sector workers in Québec’s Common Front of four […]

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The Fight for the Fight for Palestinian Rights

As workers around the world continue to protest the Israeli military’s intensifying air and ground assault on Gaza, and in many cases their own governments’ support of this, those governments are taking repressive measures. Thousands around the world have been arrested at pro-Palestine public rallies, and such events have even been banned in countries including […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #27

End the War on Gaza … and more from Canada and abroad! Subscribe to Socialist Alternative! You can now subscribe to Socialist Alternative’s magazine for a modest $2 a month or $24 a year and receive each printed issue delivered to your mailbox. With an additional donation, you can become a sustainer of our magazine […]

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Solidarity 1983: BC’s Near Revolution

Forty years ago, in the fall of 1983, BC was heading to a General Strike and then it was all called off. This was a defeat for BC’s unions and social movements, that opened the gates to cuts in public services and attacks on unions. The percentage of workers in unions has fallen more in […]

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Solidarity with Gaza

Against War & Terror For several weeks Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alternative Youth joined thousands of others in solidarity with the suffering of Palestine people at rallies in downtown Vancouver. Similar rallies have been held across Canada, some of which we have attended, and around the world. We will continue to support and build for […]

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Ontario High School Teachers give up Strike Weapon

Tim Heffernan is retired Ontario Teacher and OSSTF activist. The leadership of the union representing 60,000 high school teachers and educators in Ontario (OSSTF) is taking its membership into uncharted and dangerous waters as it bargains with the Ontario government. The union has accepted a government proposal to agree to binding arbitration. Contract talks will […]

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Australia: The Voice Referendum Defeated

Build a Powerful Movement for Indigenous Rights More than 39% of the population have made clear that they want something to change. This is an excellent place to start rebuilding a powerful movement for Aboriginal rights. Activists should not take this as a sign to retreat or become fearful of other working-class people. Instead, it […]

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Capitalism’s Highway to Hell

For a Socialist Plan for Jobs and a Healthy Planet In October, many of Canada’s forests are full of red, orange and yellow leaves. The air is cool, and the rains have returned. All a welcome relief from the summer of hell. Then, the woods were a blaze of reds, oranges and yellow — but […]

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Trans Mountain Pipeline Boondoggle

Back in 1953, the first oil traveled through the Trans Mountain (TMX) pipeline from Edmonton to Burnaby. The initial capacity was 150,000 barrels of oil per day. The most recent expansion, approved in 2019, will increase daily capacity to 890,000 barrels. The operation of the expanded pipeline will produce an estimated 400,000 tonnes of greenhouse […]

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Montréal ‘s “affordable” housing sham

Julien Daigneault and Charles D-V-L are members of Alternative Socialiste (ISA in Quebec). The failure of Montréal’s flagship affordable housing program, “20-20-20,” is making the rounds in Canada. The metropolis’ housing crisis is making life unaffordable for many and boosting homelessness and poisoning from toxic drugs like never before. Entrusting the management of cities to […]

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