Vancouver Election: COPE Rally demands The City We Need

COPE held the most boisterous rally of the Vancouver election campaign in downtown Vancouver on Saturday evening, drawing over 175 people. In addition to music and poetry, attendees heard from council, park and school board candidates followed by an inspiring speech by Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative’s city councillor in Seattle. The speeches were frequently interrupted […]

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Kshama Sawant to speak at Vancouver COPE Election Rally

COPE Vancouver City Council candidate Jean Swanson Socialist Alternative’s Seattle City Councillor Kshama Sawant Saturday October 13, 7-9 pm, SFU Harbour Centre Room, Room 1900 With all 2018 COPE candidates: Anne Roberts, Derrick O’Keefe, Barb Parrott, Diana Day, Gwen Giesbrecht and John Irwin. Two fearless activists who brought their fight for social justice to city […]

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Jean Swanson, COPE candidate for Vancouver Council

Aiden Sisler interviewed Jean Swanson. Aiden Sisler of Socialist Alternative interviewed Jean about why she is running for Council, what she will do when elected and about going to prison for peacefully protesting against Trudeau’s pipeline. “I’ve worked for 40 years trying to get governments to end poverty and homelessness. I’ve had many frustrating interactions […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #10

The City We Need Trudeau’s Pipeline Interview with Jean Swanson Student Debt Mountain Indigenous Education … more news from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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IATSE dispute hits the Ex

One of Toronto’s great annual traditions over the last two weeks of August, “the Ex”, promises to be a much more interesting experience than usual for its 1 million+ visitors. The lock out of the workers who erect stages and move equipment started in late July and is building to a crescendo for the opening […]

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Vancouver – Jean Swanson for “The City We Need”

Vancouver’s political revolution is rolling forward. Jean Swanson is running again for City Council! This follows from the political earthquake she caused in last November’s city by-election. On June 9, at a rally at The Crescent in Shaughnessy, a Vancouver neighbourhood so tony it should be called Anthony, Jean Swanson announced she is a candidate […]

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Ford Wins in Ontario

The hopes of the NDP pulling off a surprise victory didn’t materialize and Ontario workers are now faced with the prospect of the most right-wing government since the days of Mike Harris in the 1990s. Does this victory of a right-wing  populist signify that Ontario (and, by implication, Canada as a whole – given Ontario’s […]

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Ontario Crossroads Election

Ontario’s June 7 election has heated up, not only because of the participation of Doug Ford, the so-called Canadian Donald Trump and apparent front runner, but because the outcome of the election itself is by no means certain. Since the New Year, Ontario politics have been anything but dull. At the start of 2018, it […]

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Majority of Canadians Heading to $15 Minimum Wage

Socialist Alternative Canada reviews the winning of $15, and its role in this victory On June 1, workers in British Columbia got the first increase on the way to a $15.20 an hour minimum wage. BC is following Alberta and Ontario in moving to a minimum wage of $15 or more. Alberta will reach $15 […]

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Trudeau Gives in to Kinder Morgan’s Blackmail

Trudeau has capitulated to Kinder Morgan’s blackmail. Canada’s Liberal government will buy the existing pipeline that runs from Alberta’s tar sands to the port of Vancouver for $4.5 billion. It is now Trudeau’s pipeline. It will be up to his government to try to force through the pipeline expansion against mass resistance. Trudeau’s decision will […]

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