Trans Mountain Pipeline Boondoggle

Back in 1953, the first oil traveled through the Trans Mountain (TMX) pipeline from Edmonton to Burnaby. The initial capacity was 150,000 barrels of oil per day. The most recent expansion, approved in 2019, will increase daily capacity to 890,000 barrels. The operation of the expanded pipeline will produce an estimated 400,000 tonnes of greenhouse […]

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Reject Trans Hatred

Canada saw an attempt to whip up attacks on trans people on Wednesday, September 20. There were rallies across the country opposed to sex education in schools and for banning a wide range of library books. In most cases the counter rallies in support of trans rights far outnumber those trying to whip up hate. […]

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Socialist Alternative Canada Condemns Brutal Attacks on the Sikh Community

This is a statement by Socialist Alternative Canada’s Executive Committee. Executive of Socialist Alternative Canada Socialist Alternative Canada stands in solidarity with our Sikh sisters, brothers, and siblings, who fight everyday for justice for workers and farmers and those facing oppression, both in India and here in Canada. We condemn the brutal and deadly attacks […]

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Metro Strike: In the Words of Workers

Metro grocery workers in Greater Toronto, members of Unifor, voted overwhelmingly to strike in 27 stores, effective July 29, after rejecting a tentative deal reached by the union bargaining committee and the company. Since then, some 3,700 workers have withheld their labour and have been on the picket lines to force the company and their […]

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Toronto Metro Store Strike

“We can’t even shop at our own grocery store. We can’t afford to.” The above comment in a news article came from Eman Chaudhry, a part-time cashier at a Toronto Metro store, explaining why they are striking. The article that included her quote stated that “she and her family struggle to make ends meet to […]

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