Socialist Alternative Magazine #18

The newest issue of our magazine Socialist Alternative is now published. Stolen Lives Stolen Land Alberta’s Misery Continues Slashing Cuts in Newfoundland and Labrador Ontario Education Shambles UniteHere! The Struggle Continues Fight For Sick Pay: Join a Union! Life of a Grocery Worker “Can’t Have Capitalism without Racism” The Road to Peace in Israel/Palestine … […]

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Québec: Right-wing Support for a Leftist Party

Julien Daigneault is a member of Alternative Socialiste (ISA in Quebec). Recently, right populists and nationalists came together to defend the leadership of Québec Solidaire (Québec’s left leaning provincial party). This is uncharacteristic of them considering the usual ease with which they put down the “radical” left party. However, when the legitimacy of hierarchical structures […]

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Systemic Racism across Canada

The harrowing last minutes of Joyce Echaquan, which she livestreamed in the Joliette hospital in Québec, has again shone a cruel light on the institutional racism that the Canadian state is built on. The Premier of Québec, Legault, has again denied there is systemic racism in Québec, ignoring the crystal clear evidence. A year ago […]

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October Crisis, 1970

On October 16, 1970, Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau enacted the War Measures Act, its only usage in peacetime. Québec was flooded with 6,000 armed troops. The Act suspended democratic rights, allowed censorship, and authorized the police to search and arrest people without warrant. The spur for this huge attack was the Quebec Liberation Front’s (FLQ) […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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Québec public health services negotiation: give us the means to heal right now!

translated from Alterative Socialiste, Québec The Québec government and various unions have engaged during the last week in accelerated negotiations to renew the contracts of public and para-public sector employees. The COVID-19 health crisis gives health sector unions increased leverage, which was hard to imagine only six months ago. Let’s use this strength to make […]

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