Public Health Care: born out of struggle

Sixty years ago, North America’s first socialist government, in the heart of the Canadian prairies, Saskatchewan, enacted one of the demands outlined in its manifesto: a free, public health care system. This new program was enacted on July 1, 1962. However, this was not without a struggle, as on the first day of its enactment, […]

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BC Workers Overwhelmingly Vote for Strike

Cost of Living Adjustment Needed Overwhelmingly, 33,000 BC Government employees have voted with a 94.6 percent majority, for strike action as they try to get the NDP government to agree wages that maintain living standards. The union, BCGEU, had an extensive campaign to reach members on the issues and to vote, taking the campaign to […]

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Canada’s Food Relies on Super-Exploitation

Canada has proclaimed multiculturalism for over 50 years, and the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was enacted in 1988. Yet Canada has a long way to go before it can claim that title in reality rather than just on paper. Although Canada is a country populated overwhelmingly by migrants and their descendants, to this day, a large […]

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Life of Starbucks “Partner”

Written by former Starbucks workers. “We don’t need a union. We’re a family here!” “And you know, I heard at my friend’s cousin’s place that their union was so bad…” You get used to hearing anti-union talk at most Starbucks these days. Sometimes it’s a manager, other times it’s a shift-lead hoping to be a […]

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