Canada’s COVID Second Wave Failure

On December 14, the first COVID vaccinations were given in Canada. This gave hope that there may be an end in sight, in this dark winter. Politicians were keen to highlight the vaccine, less enthusiastic in addressing the current reality. COVID is largely out of control across much of Canada. November and the first half […]

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Québec: The CAQ’s COVID Failure

Fight for our health! Not for private profits! Unable to stem the second wave of COVID-19, the Legault government forced most of Québec back into lockdown by September’s end. Since then, the number of cases has continued to grow. While public health is claimed to be a priority, the maintenance of private profits is instead […]

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Death Stalks Ontario’s long-term care homes

Ford and for-profit homes to blame At the height of the first wave of COVID-19 in Ontario, the Canadian army released a searing report of what the troops found when deployed in some of the worst affected long-term care (LTC) homes. Nearly 77 percent of total COVID-19-linked deaths in the province were residents in LTC, […]

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Kenney’s COVID About-face: Too Little, Too Late

Update, November 25: Twelve days ago Kenney finally recognized the threat of COVID, and took some limited steps. However, it was too little and today he was forced to take more thorough actions. Even still his actions are too little and too late. Dr. Joe Vipond, a Calgary emergency room physician, stated “Now that our […]

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In Defence of Seniority (and Good Education)

The Ford government in Ontario, using the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse, has launched an attack on the principle of union seniority as it pertains to the hiring of new teachers. The seniority principle, often simplified to “last in, first out” has been incorporated into the language of union collective agreements going back to the […]

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Sex Workers in COVID Nightmare

Among the many failings of our economic and political realities revealed by COVID-19, the most visible one is the fact that the pandemic is accentuating all the pre-existing inequalities. In fact, it has a much more devastating impact on oppressed sections of society who are already in fragile financial positions and living off precarious jobs. […]

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Capitalism made COVID a Disaster

Capitalism turned the coronavirus into a huge disaster. COVID-19 was not an inevitable and unavoidable pandemic; capitalism made it more likely that a virus would cross to humans and did not prepare for that. Once the virus was known to be infecting humans the response was inadequate. Almost everything capitalism did and is doing made […]

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Profiteering from COVID

Several private clinics in Toronto are now offering COVID-19 testing, as the second wave sweeps over a poorly prepared province. The cost per test varies from $50 to $400. The rationale being played by the corporate heads of companies offering testing is that they are providing a critical service in a time of need, citing […]

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Canada’s Uncertain Future

Including Growing Second Wave and New Closures Even now, nine months since reports of COVID-9 emerged Canada still does not have enough PPE or test kits and tracing is weak. For months, Canadians have been held in the grip of an unprecedented pandemic that has left few people untouched. Canada failed to protect workers and […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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