China: From Zero to Max COVID

As the Chinese New Year approaches, China is again the epicentre of the global pandemic. Despite a total information blackout, it is clear the country is experiencing an explosive spread of the virus after suddenly abandoning its three-year Zero COVID policy of hardline controls. This has been replaced by a chaotic “laissez-faire” position of minimal state […]

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The Collapse of Xi Jinping’s Zero COVID Policy

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to Sudden chaotic exit from hardline pandemic controls leaves cities grappling with explosive COVID surge In response to a wave of anti-government protests in late November the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) has pivoted abruptly from its deeply unpopular Zero COVID regime. But for the Chinese masses this is a case […]

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China’s Mass Revolt — Where Now?

Li Yong and Vincent Kolo are contributors to Most significant protests since the 1989 Democracy Movement. At the time of writing police are massing in Chinese cities in an effort to stamp out the recent protest wave. Protests continue at universities. The coming weekend could see new street protests in cities across the country. […]

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China’s Deepest Crisis in 30 Years

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to A succession of economic and political disasters is casting a dark cloud over Xi Jinping’s impending coronation as China’s dictator-for-life. Paralyzing “Zero COVID” lockdowns of major cities, collapsing GDP growth, record unemployment levels, and accelerating imperialist conflict in the shadow of the Ukraine war have plunged Chinese society […]

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$65,000 a Minute: Big Pharma Profits Soar from Vaccine Monopolies

Sophie Scholl is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Moderna released its 2021 annual report which showed the pharmaceutical giant made $12.2 billion in profits last year. Pfizer similarly reported $21.9 billion in profits in the same time, while Johnson & Johnson reported $4.7 billion. While vaccines aren’t the only products these companies […]

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Government’s Criminal Inaction as COVID Cases Soar

Omicron has rapidly spread across the world with record breaking numbers of cases and dislocation to work and life. This article is about Ireland but many of the points apply in Canada. Provinces have given up on testing and tracking. Even the rapid tests are in short supply. Almost every province has cut the isolation […]

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Omicron: Another Warning of Capitalism’s Inability to End Pandemic

Dan O’Rourke is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The new strain of Covid-19 (B.1.1.529) found in Botswana and South Africa has been named Omicron by the WHO, which has labeled it a ‘variant of concern’. Some experts have described it as the “worst” variant yet. Similar to the Delta variant it […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #19

Socialism for a green future Youth: The Soundtrack of Late Capitalism Ontario Alberta: Drive Kenny Out! Protect Indigenous Land COVID Vaccine Nationalism = Misery Interview with Kshama Sawant Canada’s Role in Haiti’s Misery Socialism Needed … and more from Canada and the World! For printed copy(ies) send an e-mail to [email protected] Please consider making a […]

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Crisis of the COVID Generation

Grace Fors is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The relative fast pace of vaccination in the U.S. has been an enormous relief for tens of millions. People are able to reunite with family members and friends. But the real toll of 15 months of isolation, the psychological and social effects on the […]

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Can Capitalism Solve a Plague?

Grace Fors is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Global Vaccine Inequality Spells Disaster The U.S. is approaching “back to normal.” Millions are vaccinated, the CDC nixed its mask guidelines, and states everywhere are eagerly lifting restrictions in time for summer. But globally, COVID-19 is exploding. Entire regions are wracked with new outbreaks. […]

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