Patently absurd

Ditch the patents, Nationalize Big Pharma Canadians have understandably been concerned first and foremost with fighting the virus in their own backyard. But COVID is a worldwide threat and there won’t be a real victory, or real safety, until it’s won around the world. Vaccination in Canada has been moving along at a steady pace […]

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Vaccine Diplomacy? Vaccine Imperialism!

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Soon it will be 200 million people around the globe that have been officially infected by Covid-19. More than 3 million have already died. With the increasing availability of vaccines there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. But everything happening […]

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India: COVID Second Wave Has Terrible Consequences for Masses

Mohammed Nawaz Tahir is an ISA supporter in India. Ordinary people are forced to run from door to door, hospital to hospital in search of basic amenities which should be provided at the earliest opportunity. This is because the economic and political establishment fail the majority of the population. Their policies push people over the […]

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Big Pharma Puts the World In Danger

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Kshama Sawant Seattle Socialist City Councilmember and Socialist Alternative member Kshama Sawant introduced a resolution on April 26, that was carried 7 – 1 by the Seattle City Council demanding the Biden administration stop blocking the Intellectual Property waivers for the COVID-19 vaccines. Below […]

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Despite Growth Projections, World Economy Deeply Unstable

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The devastation caused by the pandemic-triggered global downturn in 2020 is hard to overstate. It was the biggest economic contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Across the world, working hours equivalent to 255 million jobs were lost. The World Bank estimates that […]

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Under Capitalism, More Pandemics to Come

Rebecca Green is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Over a year has passed since billions of people’s lives were halted and turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and while vaccinations are ramping up in some countries, the path to herd immunity is long and steep with hurdles like the threat of […]

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Vaccinate Our Health Against Profit

Interview with a worker from a big pharmaceutical plant in Belgium. Nationalise the Pharmaceutical Sector! First published in Lutte Socialiste and De Linkse Socialist, monthly papers of PSL/LSP, ISA in Belgium Hopes are high that there is light at the end of the Corona Tunnel, especially now that the vaccination campaign has more or less […]

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US Pandemic Disaster Continues

Grace Fors is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Drastic Action Needed to Contain COVID As Joe Biden takes office, the state-by-state heat map of COVID transmission is a sea of red. The sheer depth of the crisis is prompting him to propose bold measures on the issue of the pandemic. No less of […]

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British Education Workers Force Government Retreat

Written by Socialist Alternative members (England, Wales & Scotland) in the National Education Union, Unite and UNISON. Trade Union Action Gets Results. We Need Real Opposition. The Tories’ plan to reopen schools was met with fierce opposition from scientists, politicians from all parties, and most importantly from the trade unions. After almost a year of […]

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Schools Open or Closed: the Worst of All Worlds!

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Plugging the holes is not enough, it’s time for a revolution in education The question of whether to keep schools open or to close schools is a heated and polarized debate. Governments have done little, or nothing for months to prepare for the second, […]

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