Politicians jet-setting, while COVID deaths mount

“We’re all in this together” has been a constant refrain from politicians during the course of the pandemic. From the beginning, there was never any truth in this. In the same storm, yes, but the boats that became available for this storm ranged from yachts, to rowing boats, to scraps of wood. Given what’s happened […]

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Schools Open or Closed: the Worst of All Worlds!

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Plugging the holes is not enough, it’s time for a revolution in education The question of whether to keep schools open or to close schools is a heated and polarized debate. Governments have done little, or nothing for months to prepare for the second, […]

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Canada’s COVID Second Wave Failure

On December 14, the first COVID vaccinations were given in Canada. This gave hope that there may be an end in sight, in this dark winter. Politicians were keen to highlight the vaccine, less enthusiastic in addressing the current reality. COVID is largely out of control across much of Canada. November and the first half […]

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No Vaccine Against Economic Depression

Eric Byl is a member of ISA’s International Executive. “Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us.” F. Engel 1883 — Dialectics of Nature Many will have felt relieved at the successful development of a first generation of […]

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Québec: The CAQ’s COVID Failure

Fight for our health! Not for private profits! Unable to stem the second wave of COVID-19, the Legault government forced most of Québec back into lockdown by September’s end. Since then, the number of cases has continued to grow. While public health is claimed to be a priority, the maintenance of private profits is instead […]

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With Capitalism in Unprecedented Crisis, Socialism is the Answer

John Hird is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (ISA in the Spanish State). The recent avalanche of articles reporting the pronouncements of the pillars of capitalist rule such as the IMF, World Bank and EU in the financial press regarding the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, indicate we are at an important […]

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COVID: The Race for a Vaccine: Is This the End of the Pandemic?

Nof Azulay is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). It was recently announced by a news release that Pfizer and BioNTech have developed a vaccine for Covid-19 that showed it was 95% effective in preventing the disease. Moderna, another pharmaceutical company, announced it had developed a vaccine using a similar technology with 94.5% effectiveness. AstraZeneca […]

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Death Stalks Ontario’s long-term care homes

Ford and for-profit homes to blame At the height of the first wave of COVID-19 in Ontario, the Canadian army released a searing report of what the troops found when deployed in some of the worst affected long-term care (LTC) homes. Nearly 77 percent of total COVID-19-linked deaths in the province were residents in LTC, […]

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Nightmare of Neo-Liberal Ideology

The ruling class of society keeps control through a mix of repression, ideology and material provisioning of the population it rules. Repression alone is expensive and, in the long run, ineffective to keep power. Rulers usually have to provide some material protection and provisioning of society, whether that is keeping the people of a city […]

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Kenney’s COVID About-face: Too Little, Too Late

Update, November 25: Twelve days ago Kenney finally recognized the threat of COVID, and took some limited steps. However, it was too little and today he was forced to take more thorough actions. Even still his actions are too little and too late. Dr. Joe Vipond, a Calgary emergency room physician, stated “Now that our […]

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