40 Years Since Liverpool Defeated Thatcher

Interview in 2004 with ISA member Laurence Coates, full-time Militant organizer in Liverpool in the 1980s. It is 40 years since the legendary Militant-led city council was elected to power in Liverpool, then Britain’s fifth largest city. On 5 May, 1983, Labour won the local elections in Liverpool, gaining 12 seats with a 40 percent increase in […]

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The Liberation of Italy from Fascism

Eugenio Marcigliano is a member of Lotta per il Socialismo in Italy. April 25 marks the liberation of Italian territory from Nazi occupation in 1945 and the end of two decades of fascist barbarism. This historical reality is today challenged by the revisionism of the right-wing forces in government, in particular by la Lega and […]

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Eleanor Marx: Socialist Feminist and Workers’ Leader

Jackie Douglas is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). 125 years ago Eleanor Marx died. She was one of the earliest advocates for the ideas of socialist feminism and internationalism, while working as a trade union organiser with a focus on organising women workers in united struggle with men. Jackie Grunsell, Socialist […]

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20 Years Since US Invasion of Iraq

This article is republished from the archives of ISA. It is 20 years since the Bush and Blair governments launched the full-scale assault on Iraq, justified by the now discredited claim about the existence of Weapons of Mass destruction which led to an 8-year occupation and left the whole region in chaos. To mark the […]

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Latin America: Second “Pink Tide”: What Way Forward?

Elan Axelbank is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). This second wave of reformism in power is already proving to be anything but a repetition of the first. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, propelled by mass movements of the working class and rural poor, a wave of left-wing electoral victories […]

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50th Anniversary of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

Tony Wilsdon is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is a fundamental work that should be required reading for all socialists and those seeking to understand underdevelopment in countries today when inequality between rich and poor countries is dramatically exacerbated by global crisis. This is especially true as the […]

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The Truth Behind Inflation

This article is republished from the archives of ISA. Increasingly commentators say that the strike wave affecting several countries, and the level of inflation eating away at workers’ wages are reminiscent of the 1970s. We republish an article from 1971 by Ted Grant, then a member of the CWI — predecessor of ISA. The Tory […]

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Iran 1979: The Stolen Revolution

This article is republished from the archives of ISA. Recent events in Iran have demonstrated once again the revolutionary energy of the Iranian masses, and particularly the working class. Articles written at the time by members of the CWI, since renamed as ISA, analyse the events of the revolution, and how Iran then ended up […]

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Lessons from the Lucas Plan

Martina Gergits is a member of Sozialistische Alternative (ISA in Germany). Paul Gerrard is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). How workers can fight against climate crisis We live in times of crises. The effects of the climate crisis are being felt more and more. As extreme weather events including forest fires, […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #21

No to War! Build an Anti-War Movement Revolutionary Youth Ontario: Kick out Ford Workers Need a Real Pay Raise Polarization Comes to Canada Quality Childcare Needed … and much more from Canada and abroad! For printed copies, please send us an e-mail to [email protected] Please consider making a donation to help with our costs and […]

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