International Socialist Alternative Launched

This is a statement of ISA’s International Editorial Board. International Socialist Alternative is the new name of the Committee for a Workers International CWI). The recent World Congress decided unanimously to change our name, a decision which reflects the new era of world politics – of upheaval, protest and struggle. Socialist Alternative Canada is a […]

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25 November: Socialist feminist struggle against gender violence!

This is a statement by the CWI Women’s Commission. “We are not silent. We are not scared. We are not obeying.” — Istanbul, Turkey — chants from protest against gender violence International Women’s Day 2019 in defiance of a state ban on the demonstration and police use of tear gas “My life is not your […]

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Continuing the Fight for International Socialism

This is a statement by the Provisional Committee of the CWI and Socialist Alternative (England, Wales and Scotland). As many of our readers are aware, the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), the socialist international organization, which Socialist Alternative Canada is a member of, has been through a serious internal crisis since the end of […]

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Tony Mulhearn- Working class fighter and leader

Hugh Caffrey is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Liverpool lost one of its greatest ever working-class leaders, and a great family man, when Tony Mulhearn passed away at the age of 80 on 7 October. Tony was in many ways born a class fighter. The appalling poverty of the […]

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CWI Majority Declaration

Statement of CWI majority. Between August 12 and 16, the majority of the International Executive Committee (IEC), elected at the last World Congress of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) in 2016, met to discuss the split of the CWI, initiated by the international minority faction (IDWCTCWI) in the period after the November 2018 […]

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Historic CWI IEC meeting shows political strength of CWI majority

Andy Moxley is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The recent meeting of the CWI’s International Executive Committee came on the heels of a 7-month internal debate, and following the departure from the CWI of a minority led by most of the organisation’s former International Secretariat. All in all, the meeting was a […]

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Bureaucratic Coup Will Not Stop CWI Majority from Building a Strong Revolutionary Socialist International!

A minority of the CWI has bureaucratically forced through an unfortunate and damaging split in the worlds largest and most influential revolutionary socialist organization, the Committee for a Workers’ International. Those who follow the CWI, in its publications and activities, will be aware of the important debates that have taken place in our revolutionary socialist […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #7

If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #6

150 Years Capitalism, Colonialism, Corruption, and Resistance BC Liberals rule for the Rich Food Workers Win in Toronto Trudeau Shows Real Colours Over 150 Years of Indigenous Colonization Immigration: Exploitation and Exclusion Workers Built Canada Nova Scotia Teachers’ Strike NAFTA: “Free Trade” Without Freedom … and more from Canada and the World   If you […]

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CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification

Joint declaration of the CWI’s and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s International Executive Committees In September 2016, we published a brief declaration after holding an initial meeting between our two organisations – a very fruitful meeting which revealed a broad agreement, politically and in terms of our methods of building a revolutionary party. In this meeting, we agreed […]

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