Socialist Alternative Canada Conference

Clarity and purpose in a world of turmoil Socialist Alternative Canada (SA) recently held its 4th National Conference, which was a resounding success. Members from across the country attended as well as international visitors from four other sections of International Socialist Alternative (ISA): Québec, the United States, Mexico, and China/Hong Kong/Taiwan.  While the conference was […]

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World of Disorder

Report of the discussion on World Perspectives at ISA’s 2023 World Congress Climate disasters, raging inflation and the threat of a world recession. A brutal war in Ukraine and rising global tensions. Three years of COVID with health systems teetering on the breaking points. Political polarization and unstable governments. The ruling class looks to the […]

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The Communist Manifesto: 175 Years

by Karl Marx & Fredrich Engels 175 years ago, on February 21, 1848, The Communist Manifesto was published, opening the eyes of the world to ideas that would threaten the political basis of bourgeois society. A bombshell when it came out, it contains the germ of many key Marxist ideas and for the first time, […]

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The Truth Behind Inflation

This article is republished from the archives of ISA. Increasingly commentators say that the strike wave affecting several countries, and the level of inflation eating away at workers’ wages are reminiscent of the 1970s. We republish an article from 1971 by Ted Grant, then a member of the CWI — predecessor of ISA. The Tory […]

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Making the Case for Socialist Change

Connor Rosoman is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). The Transitional Program and Method Report from a session at ISA’s International Cadre School, where hundreds of socialists from around the world discussed key questions for socialists and the working class as a whole and our task in building a movement for a […]

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China’s State Capitalist Imperialism

Per-Åke Westerlund is a member of ISA’s International Executive. In the first of a two-part article Per-Åke Westerlund looks at the rise of Chinese imperialism and what it means for building international workers’ solidarity against international capitalism China becoming the workshop of the world was the main driver of capitalist globalisation of the last decades. […]

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Banner carrying a portret of Rosa Luxemburg

150 Years — Learning from Rosa Luxemburg

Sarah Moayeri, Flo Klabacher, and Brettros are members of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). One hundred and fifty years ago, Rosa Luxemburg (Rozalia Luksenburg) was born in what is now Poland, the daughter of a Jewish timber merchant. The young Rosa became politically active at an early age; at 16 she joined the revolutionary circle […]

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