A Socialist Solution to Capitalist Disaster

Many of us struggle to make sense of the world. We are on the precipice of a climate cataclysm, which will have catastrophic consequences for thousands of species, including our own. Humanity faces water shortages, hunger, desertification, agricultural collapse and other capitalism-caused climate calamities. Headlines blare at us about imperialism’s never-ending military build-up and wars. […]

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Revolutionary Socialism and the Fight to Change the World

Young people today are living in a world rife with crisis. The cost-of-living crisis, numerous wars, and a killer climate, just to name a few. It’s no wonder huge sections of young people have absolutely had it. Out of the experience of living through the tumult of this period, many are realizing that we need […]

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A World in Crisis: Why We Need Revolutionary Change

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. As we enter a new year, it is evident that on many fronts the situation facing the human race is dire. Of course, there are commentators who insist the opposite (we’ll refer to them again later). But most people know the trendlines are bad. […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #26

Workers Rising! Youth demand Socialism Alberta Toronto Rent Strikes Manitoba Election Fighting Caste Oppression Life of a Student What Makes Me Angry Women’s Safety Chile 1970 – 73, Revolution and Reaction US: Workers Strike Back Capitalism’s New Cold War BC Solidarity 1983: A Near Revolution Housing Emergency Capitalism’s Highway to Hell … and more from […]

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Iran: Where Now for the Revolutionary Process?

Paul Gerrard is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). The Iranian uprising has raged and simmered for over half a year now. Reuters has referred to it as ‘the boldest challenge to theocratic rule since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.’ Since September 2022 and the brutal murder in police custody of Jina Amini, […]

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The Liberation of Italy from Fascism

Eugenio Marcigliano is a member of Lotta per il Socialismo in Italy. April 25 marks the liberation of Italian territory from Nazi occupation in 1945 and the end of two decades of fascist barbarism. This historical reality is today challenged by the revisionism of the right-wing forces in government, in particular by la Lega and […]

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War Shows the Failure of Capitalism: Socialists Have an Alternative

Geert Cool is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). War is the continuation of politics by other means. The contradictions of capitalism lead to war. They cannot be negotiated away. Nor do they disappear through further military escalation. Wars usually end in exhaustion, defeat and destruction, or […]

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The Unfinished Revolution — Hungary 1956

Till Ruster is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Sixty-five years ago, on 23 October about 20,000 Hungarians protested in Budapest in support of a manifesto which called for Hungarian independence, democratic socialism based on land reform, public ownership and democratic rights. The Hungarian revolution had started. A captured Soviet tank is rolling […]

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Drawing of participents of Paris Commune

“Spurn the Dust to Win the Prize” — 150 Years Since the Paris Commune

Harper Cleves is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). 150 years ago this month, history was made when working-class Parisians established the Paris Commune on March 18, 1871. This represented the first example of a society run by and for the working class – a workers’ state. While the Commune lasted for […]

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Revolutionary Beethoven

A towering figure of music, Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. He grew to be a genius of the European tradition of classical music. His life was a time of turmoil and revolution and at a crossroads of an artist’s relation with society. Beethoven’s musical beauty and genius is best understood in the context […]

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