Nigeria elections – Main parties offer no alternative

Ibukun Omole is a member of Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in Nigeria). General elections are scheduled for Nigeria in February and March. February 16 is due to see the election of the president and National Assembly, while on March 2 governors and state assemblies in most of Nigeria’s 36 states, alongside local elections in the […]

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Sudan: long-simmering rage of the masses explodes on the streets

Serge Jordan is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Sudan has been rocked by extensive anti-government protests since December 19, unprecedented in their geographic scope and duration. People in the diaspora have come out in large numbers worldwide in front of Sudanese embassies to showcase their solidarity with the heroic struggle of […]

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Zuma ousted as president of South Africa

Weizmann Hamilton is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). Inside two months following his election as ANC president at the party’s December 2017 national conference, Cyril Ramaphosa has realised the ambition he reportedly set himself whilst still at high school according to a close childhood friend – to become […]

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South Africa: Cape Town’s water (mis)management crisis

Rose Lichtenstein is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). No to profiteering! Cape Town is facing its worst drought in almost 100 years. Rainfall was at a 100 year low two years in a row, and the dams that supply 98% of Cape Town’s potable water are currently only […]

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Sudan: Mohamed Satti released – global solidarity campaign gets results!

CWI Sudanese comrade, Mohammed Satti (Hamudi), was released yesterday night, Thursday 2 February. He was detained by the state for over two weeks for his participation in an anti-regime demonstration in the capital, Khartoum. Hamudi was brought home by a police car at around 9.30pm local time. There is no doubt that Hamudi’s release is […]

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Sudan: Free Mohamed Satti and all political prisoners!

CWI supporter Mohamed Diaeldin Mohamed Satti, 21, known as “Hamudi”, is among the protesters who have been arrested by the Sudanese State last week, as part of the brutal response of Al Bashir’s regime to the ensuing wave of protests against skyrocketing prices and austerity. Hamudi’s arrest took place last Wednesday afternoon, as he participated in […]

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Tunisia: Explosion of protests against government financial measures

The explosion of protests that broke out this week against the new Finances Law (budget law) 2018, a battery of measures against the working and middle classes, has again put into perspectives the liberal commentators’ fairy tale about Tunisia’s “successful democratic transition”. In reality, the country remains an open battleground between the forces of revolution […]

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Sudan: Protests erupt against government austerity policies

Written by CWI supporters in Sudan. Yesterday January 8, 2018, protests broke out in various cities across Sudan, including the capital Khartoum and the southern cities of Nyala, Geneina and al-Damazin, as well as in West Darfour. The immediate trigger was the doubling of the price of bread after the government’s removal of subsidies in […]

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South Africa: Ramaphosa wins ANC presidency after bitter factional contest

Weizmann Hamilton is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). After the most tumultuous run-up to any conference in ANC history, watched across the world, with over a thousand journalists in attendance, and the markets moving up in anticipation of the results, Cyril Ramaphosa has ascended to the presidency of […]

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Zimbabwe: Mugabe has gone – but his regime remains in power

Weizmann Hamilton and Tinovimbanashe Gwenyaya are members of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa).   The takeover of power by the Zimbabwe defence force is a military coup in all but name. It represents a turning point in post-independence Zimbabwe and the almost certain end of Mugabe’s reign. The military take-over was […]

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