China: ‘Belt and Road’ – Imperialism with Chinese characteristics

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to The Chinese dictatorship’s massive infrastructure plan is the spearhead for its whole economic and geopolitical strategy. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has assumed increasing importance for the regime of China’s ‘strongman’ Xi Jinping. The BRI, also known as OBOR (One Belt One Road), is “the world’s biggest […]

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China: Xi Jinping’s doctrine enshrined in ruling party constitution

The 19th Congress of the CCP, held in October, adopted the party leader’s doctrine of iron dictatorship. China’s “great power” status is enshrined in the party constitution but stable government is still by no means guaranteed. The 19th Congress of China’s ruling Communist Party (CCP) held in October, which confirmed China’s transition to one-man dictatorship […]

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Hong Kong: “Release political prisoners, stop disqualifications and election fraud!”

Adam N. Lee is a contributor to Protesters gathered outside China’s embassies and consulates, as well as the Hong Kong government’s Economic and Trade Offices, in 22 cities across 20 countries on Thursday and Friday 12-13 October. The protests were part of a newly launched international campaign, Global Solidarity – Stop Repression in Hong […]

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Hong Kong: International solidarity campaign launched as government steps up repression

Dikang is a member of Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong). Hong Kong is facing an unprecedented attack on democratic rights orchestrated by its pro-Beijing government. In recent months young activists have been jailed and elected legislators have been ousted from the partially elected local parliament (‘Legco’) on the flimsiest of ‘legal’ pretexts. Tens of […]

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Hong Kong: Judge’s disqualification of legislators threatens democracy struggle

The decision by Justice Thomas Au Hing-cheung on July 14 to expel four legislators from the Legislative Council (Legco), including veteran democracy campaigner, ‘Long Hair’ Leung Kwok-hung, is a massive blow against the democracy struggle in Hong Kong and, by extension, also in China. This was nothing short of a coup by the right-wing authoritarian […]

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The Olympics, big business and dictatorship

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to A short history of the Olympics: Vincent Kolo, A short history of the Olympics: Rather than the Olympic movement’s self-professed ideals of ‘internationalism’ and ‘fair play’, the Games are about two at first sight contradictory forces: nationalistic flag-waving and capitalist globalisation The Rio Olympics kicks off this week. […]

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China – Crisis set to deepen

Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades As its factories restarted after the Chinese New Year holidays, China was facing its worst economic crisis in decades. The government’s official data do not give the true picture, maintaining the fiction of GDP growth of 6.9 percent in 2015. Even this represents […]

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