China: Hard landing in 2015?

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to China’s economic slowdown already being felt throughout world economy “The most important number in the world, for the past 30 years and next five years, is China’s growth rate,” declared BBC Economics Editor Robert Peston. With a stream of data confirming a pronounced slowdown in the Chinese economy, […]

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China: The great slowdown

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to Signs that the mammoth property bubble is finally bursting belie Beijing’s upbeat GDP data On July 16 the Chinese government released its GDP figures for the second quarter, causing global financial markets to heave a collective sigh of relief as 7.5 percent growth was announced. This figure (Beijing’s […]

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China: Regime at a crossroads

Pasha is a member of Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong). New leaders facing economic and political crisis China has entered a period of crisis. Even its leaders recognize this. The new president, Xi Jinping, admitted that the current crisis could threaten the CCP-state (Chinese Communist Party) with extinction within 10 years. A senior economist […]

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