How Strong is Xi’s Alliance with Russia?

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to After the short-lived Wagner revolt in Russia on June 24, Xi Jinping’s regime reaffirmed its support for Putin, describing Russia as China’s “comprehensive strategic partner of coordination for the new era.” But Xi’s regime is clearly shaken by these events. For almost 24 hours, as Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mercenary […]

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“Militarism Must Die if the People Are Going to Live”

Per Olsson is a member of Socialistiskt Alternativ (ISA in Sweden). “We are drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history,” said the Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), when the Institute published its annual report (SIPRI Yearbook) on world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production and armed […]

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What Happened to China’s Economic Rebound?

Guizhou province’s distress signal opens new front in country’s debt meltdown. China’s economy suffered a disastrous 2022. Xi Jinping, months into his unprecedented third term as absolute ruler, is therefore desperate for an economic rebound to dispel the gloom that grips the Chinese and global capitalists and restore “confidence.” Earlier this year, global capitalism had […]

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Taiwan: The Next Ukraine?

As the US-China inter-imperialist conflict escalates, Taiwan is its most dangerous flashpoint. A Taiwan war could be even more catastrophic than the war in Ukraine, drawing in the US, Japan, Australia, several NATO armies, and possibly India, against China. It has long been a tenet of China’s so-called Communist dictatorship (CCP) to “reunify” Taiwan with […]

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World of Disorder

Report of the discussion on World Perspectives at ISA’s 2023 World Congress Climate disasters, raging inflation and the threat of a world recession. A brutal war in Ukraine and rising global tensions. Three years of COVID with health systems teetering on the breaking points. Political polarization and unstable governments. The ruling class looks to the […]

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A Road Map for the US-China Cold War

Adam N. Lee is a contributor to Book review: Danger Zone — The Coming Conflict with China by Hal Brands and Michael Beckley offers a very scary road map for US victory in the new imperialist Cold War. Brands and Beckley, specialists in geopolitical history, present their book Danger Zone as “a contrarian take” […]

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China: From Zero to Max COVID

As the Chinese New Year approaches, China is again the epicentre of the global pandemic. Despite a total information blackout, it is clear the country is experiencing an explosive spread of the virus after suddenly abandoning its three-year Zero COVID policy of hardline controls. This has been replaced by a chaotic “laissez-faire” position of minimal state […]

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