China’s “Twin Sessions” Open as Xi Jinping Seeks More Power

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to China’s “twin sessions” or Lianghui, the annual gatherings of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the National People’s Congress (NPC), got underway in Beijing on Thursday 4 March. Neither body has any real power. They are merely decorative adornments for the dictatorial regime of the so-called Communist […]

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Hong Kong Mass Arrests

Xi Jinping Strikes While Western Powers Are in Disarray The latest sweeping crackdown by the Chinese dictatorship (CCP) in Hong Kong effectively bans political opposition in the city. The fragile “democracy” that has existed in Hong Kong as an exception among Chinese cities is in every practical sense extinguished. 53 Hong Kong opposition activists and […]

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Youth Protests in China

Hong Liuxing is a contributor to Students Protest Prison-Like Restrictions Across China In August, there was a partial relaxation of the strict lockdown rules for schools and universities in China. But many schools continued with strict exit controls and security guards blocking school exits, which gave rise to significant student protests in several regions. […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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