Coronavirus in Italy: As Virus Spreads, Workers Forced to Strike

Giuliano Brunetti is a member of Resistenze Internazionali (ISA in Italy). Shut it down before it’s too late! The virus doesn’t stop at the factory gates! After unnecessary delay, the government has now decided to step up measures to contain the spread of the Coronavirus in Italy. From March 10, a decree by the President […]

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War Waged Against Refugees, Greek and Turkish Workers

Turkish President Erdogan’s decision to push thousands of refugees and migrants to the country’s mainland border with Greece on the Evros river and the islands has led to the greatest crisis over refugee flows since 2015 and to the worst crisis, in the recent period, between Greece and Turkey. Starting on 27th February, the Turkish […]

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Ireland: Capitalist Establishment Rejected But… How Can Real Change Be Achieved?

Kevin McLoughlin is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The two traditional capitalist parties were left reeling at the temerity of voters to only give them a combined vote of 43.4%. Insult was added to injury when it emerged they came only second and third in the popular vote behind Sinn Féin. […]

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The Autonomous Collective of Dock Workers of Genoa Appeals for Solidarity

Stop the transport of arms to Yemen Workers at the port of Genoa, members of the Autonomous Collective of Dock Workers (CALP) have called for a day of struggle and mobilization on Monday, February 17, when the arrival of the Saudi ship “Bahri Yanbu” is expected. It is carrying war materials and weapon systems destined […]

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Ireland: An Historic Election

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael plunge to just 43.4% of the votes — an historic low. Sinn Féin dramatically surge, receiving the biggest share of the popular vote at 24.53%. Socialist TD Mick Barry re-elected. Socialist TD Ruth Coppinger missed out on being re-elected by a few hundred votes, but will be back. How can […]

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The Auto Industry, Jobs and a Green Future

Christian Bunke is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). The automobile industry, along with the oil industry, remains the world’s largest and most dominant industrial sector. More than eight million people are directly employed by the auto manufacturers, and millions more work in connected industry. It employs […]

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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez

Spanish State: New Government but instability and polarization continue

Viki Lara is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in the Spanish state). Pedro Sanchez was installed as president of the Spanish government in almost dramatic fashion, by only a two vote difference, after several vote changes, threats and insults by email and use of fascist graffiti symbols against the deputies who had announced their […]

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Britain: Labour leadership race – mobilise to defend socialist policies

This is a statement by the Political Committee of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Labour’s 2019 election result is a setback but not the apocalyptical catastrophe the media paint it as. The Labour vote exceeded that obtained by Blair in 2005 and Brown in 2010. Many of the newly elected Tory MPs have very […]

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France: Movement against pension attacks continues

Nicolas Croes is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). Build the general strike with general assemblies in all workplaces! Such a movement has not been seen since May 1968! Against pension reforms, at the time of writing it has passed the 40-day mark without any sign of […]

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The Revolutionary Ideas of Rosa Luxemburg

Eleanor Crossey-Malone is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). January 15th marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist leader, Rosa Luxemburg. This article, first published by Socialist Party Ireland looks at her defence of both the fundamental ideas of Marxism and the necessity of revolutionary change against […]

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