Austria: Conservatives and Greens form coalition

Till Ruster is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). A new model for bourgeois governments?   A summer night in Ibiza, a villa, vodka red bull, the alleged niece of a Russian oligarch and a hidden camera: what sounds like the setting for a James Bond movie was indeed a trap for the […]

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Greece: Wave of repression and attacks on workers’ and democratic rights.

Eleni Mitsou is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). Soon after coming to power in July 2019, the new right-wing “New Democracy” government unleashed a wave of repression and intimidation, especially against the youth in Greece. Since October, the police have been randomly attacking youth not just after protests and demonstrations, but also on […]

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Romania – capitalist restoration and the need for a socialist alternative.

Vlad B is a member of CWI in Romania. 30 years ago, people took to the streets against the Stalinist regime of Ceausescu, having put up with years of harsh austerity, bureaucratic control of society and lack of liberties. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were put on trial, found guilty of genocide and executed all on […]

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Was Corbyn “Too far Left”? The real lessons of Britain’s election for the US Left

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. For socialists who want to see the right and its agenda defeated, the victory of the reactionary Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party in last week’s general election in Britain is obviously a serious setback. The corporate media and the leadership of the Democratic […]

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Vicious Tories win with lies – but mass struggle looms on the horizon

 The Conservative victory at the general election is a major setback for the working class and youth of Britain. The bumbling bigot Johnson will whip up prejudice and launch further attacks on our services, livelihoods and environment. This will meet with resistance which we will support and help organise. Local ‘conferences of resistance’ should be […]

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France: Build for an indefinite general strike everywhere!

Nicolas Croes is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). The first day of strikes and protests against French President Macron’s proposed reform of the pension system was a resounding and historic success. On Thursday, December 5, there were nearly 250 demonstrations across France attended by no less […]

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Shortages and expensive prices. Medicines and vaccines: the market makes us sick!

This article by a trade union shop-steward in a major pharmaceutical company was first published in Lutte Socialiste/De Linkse Socialist, monthly paper of PSL/LSP – the CWI in Belgium. In recent weeks, a number of scandals connected to the pharmaceutical sector have broken out. Firstly, over the very high treatment costs for a sick baby, […]

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East Germany 1989: The Berlin Wall Comes Down as Power Lay in the Streets

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall was pulled down in dramatic scenes. In the latest of our series marking the events of 1989 in Eastern Europe, Ingmar Meinecke of SAV (German section of the CWI-majority), who as a teenager participated in these events, explains what happened.   “Dear friends, fellow citizens, it is as if […]

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Catalonia: October 18 general strike shows the huge potential of the movement

Vlad B is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in the Spanish state). The largely bottom-up mass protest movement against the prison sentences for pro-independence politicians is seeing a new, radicalised generation coming into struggle for the first time. However, for now, the movement lacks the democratic structures and political program it needs in order […]

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Understanding Britain’s Brexit crisis

Claire Laker-Mansfield is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Britain’s ongoing Brexit crisis has entered a new and spectacularly explosive phase. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government is in a state of chaos. His attempts to regain control, including via the dissolution of parliament, have so-far failed. Johnson’s first week in parliament as […]

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