France 1968: Lessons for Today

Bob Sulatycki is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Four months of protest across France. Over a dozen national strike days of action. Rolling strikes and protests, student and school student strikes, hundreds of arrests, road blockages, the storming of luxury shops and restaurants. The catalyst for this movement has been the […]

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40 Years Since Liverpool Defeated Thatcher

Interview in 2004 with ISA member Laurence Coates, full-time Militant organizer in Liverpool in the 1980s. It is 40 years since the legendary Militant-led city council was elected to power in Liverpool, then Britain’s fifth largest city. On 5 May, 1983, Labour won the local elections in Liverpool, gaining 12 seats with a 40 percent increase in […]

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The Liberation of Italy from Fascism

Eugenio Marcigliano is a member of Lotta per il Socialismo in Italy. April 25 marks the liberation of Italian territory from Nazi occupation in 1945 and the end of two decades of fascist barbarism. This historical reality is today challenged by the revisionism of the right-wing forces in government, in particular by la Lega and […]

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French Pension Fight Continues

This is the text of a leaflet issued by ISA in France. Set up strike committees in every workplace, every school, every district On March 23, France has been on strike with massive demonstrations across the country. According to the CGT trade union there are 700,000 on the streets of Paris alone. In Marseille there […]

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World of Disorder

Report of the discussion on World Perspectives at ISA’s 2023 World Congress Climate disasters, raging inflation and the threat of a world recession. A brutal war in Ukraine and rising global tensions. Three years of COVID with health systems teetering on the breaking points. Political polarization and unstable governments. The ruling class looks to the […]

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One Year of War

Tom Crean is a member of ISA’s International Executive Committee. Russian Offensive Begins as Ukraine War Escalates One year on, not only is the war far from over, it is clearly escalating with the possibility of becoming a much wider conflict. The horrific war in Ukraine, which began nearly a year ago, is by far […]

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