Che Guevara 50 years on – revolutionary socialist and fighter

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Fifty years after his death, the image of Che Guevara is familiar to most people. A fashion statement for some, for many others it is a political declaration. They identify with the legacy left by Che Guevara as a symbol of struggle, defiance, […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #7

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Mexico: Earthquake catastrophe and popular solidarity

 The earthquake catastrophe reveals the reality of Mexican society. On one side, the incapacity of the state, and, on the other side, the greed of the capitalists, who are more worried about their profits that in using their wealth to attend to those caught up in the catastrophe. Morelos, Puebla and Mexico City suffered the […]

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Venezuela: the capitalist offensive – has socialism failed?

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. An international campaign by capitalist politicians and media has been unleashed against president Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuelan government. It has been used by Labour’s Blairista right wing to try to weaken Jeremy Corbyn. In Spain, the spectre of Venezuela has been held up as […]

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Venezuela: Imperialist offensive sharpens following Assembly elections

Only the working class taking power from capitalists and bureaucrats can defeat reaction On 30 July elections were held to elect members of the “National Constituent Assembly” (ANC). In the days prior to the election, US imperialism and the MUD (the coalition which unites the right and far-right in Venezuela) backed a campaign of threats […]

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Venezuela: The Constituent Assembly and tasks for revolutionaries

Combat the counter-revolution with socialist, not capitalist policies On 1 May, President Nicolas Maduro announced the calling of a Constituent Assembly, “to achieve peace the Republic needs…. to defeat the fascist coup… so that it will be the people and their sovereignty which impose peace, harmony and real national dialogue.” This declaration comes in the […]

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Brazil: General strike demonstrates working class strength against President Temer’s ‘reforms’

André Ferrari is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (CWI in Brazil). On 28 April, the Brazilian working class gave a clear sign of its strength and ability to mobilise. A 24-hour general strike was called, as a unified action by all the trade union centres of the country, against the pension and labour […]

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Mexico: Mass movement against “gasolinazo”

David Lopez is a member of Izquierda Revolucionaria, Mexico. Towards a general strike against the Nieto government! In Mexico, mass protests have erupted throughout Mexico following a hike in gas and electricity prices – dubbed the “gasolinazo” – decreed by the right-wing Pena Nieto administration. This is an edited article by David Lopez, from Izquierda […]

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Mexico:Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression

Adam Ziemkowski is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism Tens of thousands of teachers in Mexico have been on strike since 16 May, led by the National Education Workers Coordinating Committee (CNTE), in opposition to an education reform law that […]

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Brazil – Fall of Dilma Rousseff unleashes offensive against working class

André Ferrari is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (CWI in Brazil). The impeachment process and historic crisis of the PT (Workers’ Party)  By André Ferrari, LSR (‘Freedom, Socialism and Revolution’ – CWI Brazil)  A new stage in the class struggle has opened in Brazil. The country is living through the deepest economic and […]

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