Where is Mexico going One Year after the Victory of AMLO?

Luis Enrique Barrios and Mauro Espinola are members of Alternativa Socialista (ISA in Mexico). The victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and the MORENA party in the 1 July 2018 elections represented a turning point in Mexico’s history. Alongside the euphoria over this breakthrough and the enormous support for AMLO, there is an open […]

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Why is the Amazon burning?

Electra Kleitsa is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). It is estimated that since the beginning of 2019, when Jair Bolsonaro took over the presidency of Brazil, the Amazon lost an area of rainforest equal to one football field every minute. The countless fires that have broken out in recent weeks are destroying extremely […]

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Brazil: Perspective for the resistance to Bolsonaro

André Ferrari is a member of Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (CWI in Brazil). Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil is a country that is going backwards in all respects. Seven months after his inauguration, what we see is poverty, unemployment, the withdrawal of social rights, attacks on democratic freedoms, authoritarianism, submission to imperialism and a permanent offensive against […]

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Shocking Conditions at US Mexico Border – Close the Camps!

Keely Mullen is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. “Three days ago my baby soiled his clothes. I had no place to wash the clothes so I could not put them back on my baby. Since then, my baby of only three months has only been wearing a small little jacket made of […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #12

Build Social Housing Alberta’s Election Ontario Education Rebellion Canada: Looking Ahead Youth Climate Strikes Resisting the White Paper Winnipeg General Strike … more from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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Chinese Dictatorship Intensifies Jasic Crackdown

Dikang is a contributor to chinaworker.info. Forced confessions and more disappearances as CCP regime persecutes worker and youth activists “Our activities were actually illegal crimes. They seriously disturb the social order, and ignited foreign criticism towards the Party and the government, which dramatically debeautified the government’s image…” This is part of the filmed “confession” of […]

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Venezuela: For mass mobilization of workers to build real socialism and put an end to corrupt bureaucracy!

The new leader of the Venezuelan right and far right, Juan Guaidó, (recently elected president of the counterrevolutionary national Assembly) has proclaimed himself President. He called on his supporters to take to the streets to force through the down fall of Nicolás Maduro’s government. Immediately, the most reactionary governments in Latin America and the world, […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #11

Housing Emergency! Resist Ford! Jean Swanson’s Victory in Vancouver World Economy Climate Disaster … more news from Canada and the world If you would like to order copy(ies) contact: [email protected]

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60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. 1 January 2019 marked the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution. Tony Saunois looks at the Cuban Revolution and the life of its main leader, Fidel Castro. The article also discusses what is the way forward to defend the gains of […]

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Brazil: The resistance begins now!

Against Bolsonaro, defend democratic rights and smash the pension reform! The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in the second round of the Brazilian elections represents a huge political step backwards for the country and the Brazilian people. We do not share the cynicism of bourgeois analysts who speak about the legitimacy of the system and “consolidation” […]

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