Syrian Dictatorship Collapses — What Next for War-Ravaged Region?

Jubilant crowds on the streets of Damascus have been celebrating what until recently seemed unthinkable — the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s hated regime. The Syrian army collapsed while the regime’s over-burdened allies in Moscow and Tehran could only look on, hanging their erstwhile ally out to dry. The lightning offensive by Turkish and US-backed right-wing […]

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Israel/Palestine: Mass Outrage Reaches Boiling Point in Historic General Strike

As Israeli society was rocked by an historic general strike in the midst of the genocidal war on the Palestinians and the threat of a regional conflagration, Socialist Struggle (ISA in Israel/Palestine) members distributed a leaflet, the text of which we publish below. After The Warning Strike — Build Momentum For a Two-day Strike Stop […]

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Netanyahu’s Bloody Capitalist Government is the Most Dangerous Force in the Region

With the Middle East on the brink of a regional war, and as the atrocities in the genocidal onslaught on Gaza continue, the following perspectives document was discussed and adopted by the National Committee of the Socialist Struggle Movement (ISA in Israel/Palestine) The Middle East is at its closest point since 7 October 2023 to […]

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Gaza: 300 Days of Horror

Demonstrative Assassinations Deepen and Expand the Bloodbath The provocative assassinations by the right-wing Israeli government in the last 24 hours have aggressively swung the regional pendulum from the possibility of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, towards a wide-scale “multi-front” escalation in the direction of regional war. The danger inherent in this development and its destructive […]

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