Australia: The Voice Referendum Defeated

Build a Powerful Movement for Indigenous Rights More than 39% of the population have made clear that they want something to change. This is an excellent place to start rebuilding a powerful movement for Aboriginal rights. Activists should not take this as a sign to retreat or become fearful of other working-class people. Instead, it […]

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Poland: Opposition Defeats the Right-Wing

Paul Smith is a member of Alternatywa Socjalistyczna (ISA in Poland). A mass mobilisation of women and youth in Poland’s recent parliamentary elections has defeated the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party. After 8 years of nationalist poison, corruption, cronyism, the erosion of democracy, the fusion of state and party, the plundering of state […]

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Age of Disorder

This is a statement of ISA’s International Committee. ISA Statement on The New Cold War and Ukraine War Introduction — “The Single Most Important Element of World Relations” ISA has identified a New Cold War between US and Chinese imperialism, which has asserted itself, as “the single most important element of world relations” (ISA World […]

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Israel-Palestine: Amid Normalization of Occupation and Siege, New War Erupts

The dramatic actions of warfare this weekend — with over one thousand dead so far — in Israel and the Gaza Strip has shaken the world. This could be the beginning of further instability and expanded war. Here is a first translated statement from the Secretariat of Socialist Struggle (ISA in Israel-Palestine) published originally in […]

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Writers Beat Studios, Win Major Concessions

David Rhoades is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. After 148 days on strike, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) forced the Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) back to the negotiation table and squeezed major concessions out of frustrated studio heads. With a tentative agreement that surrenders ground to the […]

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Chinese Imperialism and the New Cold War

Per Olsson is a member of Socialistiskt Alternativ (ISA in Sweden). Review of Chinese Imperialism and the New Cold Warm Vincent Kolo, To understand the dangerous new world order that is emerging, Chinese Imperialism and the New Cold War, written by Vincent Kolo, (International Socialist Alternative, ISA, in China) is a must read. The […]

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