How Strong is Xi’s Alliance with Russia?

Vincent Kolo is a contributor to After the short-lived Wagner revolt in Russia on June 24, Xi Jinping’s regime reaffirmed its support for Putin, describing Russia as China’s “comprehensive strategic partner of coordination for the new era.” But Xi’s regime is clearly shaken by these events. For almost 24 hours, as Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mercenary […]

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“Militarism Must Die if the People Are Going to Live”

Per Olsson is a member of Socialistiskt Alternativ (ISA in Sweden). “We are drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history,” said the Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), when the Institute published its annual report (SIPRI Yearbook) on world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production and armed […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Tony Gong is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. What Does ChatGPT Mean For Workers? The AI threat to livelihoods is spurring a growing anti-AI mood to resist automation. However, the conflict is not between AI and humans, but between workers and the bosses who use AI to exploit workers harder, deskill their […]

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A Deeply Misleading Narrative

Steve Edwards is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Cedric Robinson’s book Black Marxism has influenced a wide layer of academics and activists. But as the review by Steve Edwards explains, the title is misleading. It is in reality an attack on Marxism. Robinson raises a number of arguments which are false and […]

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