Socialist Alternative Magazine #20

Socialist Answer to Climate Chaos Youth: Fighting for Our Future Doug Ford Hypocrisy Alberta’s Woes Continue Indigenous Struggles Against Environmental Racism Precarious Renters: Berlin Victory Life of a Precarious University Teacher Socialist Sawant Defeats Right Wing Page from History: Japanese Internment Book review: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good Workers Fight Back … and more […]

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$37,909 For Hand Surgery

Rob Rooke is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. This is the tale of a US worker. It reminds us how important public health is and why the push from Conservatives, some greedy doctors and big business to privatize Canada’s health needs to be resisted. In fact, public health needs to be expanded […]

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Warmongers Whip Up a Dangerous Situation in Ukraine

Workers’ unity essential to fight the threat of war. Political and economic earthquakes are being prepared globally as the forces of US and Chinese imperialism move from a state of cooperation to open competition. As these forces collide, shock waves ripple around the world dis-organising, disrupting, and re-organising the relationships between the different imperialist powers. […]

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