Iran: Economic and Political Crisis Intensifies

Nina Mo is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). The statement by former Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) commander Alireza Alavi-Tabar recently that, “if the current situation continues, people will rise up and the government will face a revolution or collapse which we should deter at all costs,” demonstrates how the Iranian ruling […]

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Big Pharma, Big Price, Big Profits

The German playwright, Bertolt Brecht wrote in the 1930s that it is easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up one. If Brecht were alive today, he might want to revise the statement by substituting pharmaceutical company for bank. Using a measure called Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), research shows that […]

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World Economy in Depression

Manus Lenihan is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). IMF Downgrades Economic Prediction The IMF’s last forecast, in April, predicted that world growth would contract by 3%, which it described, in what must be the most-used word of 2020, as “unprecedented.” The more recent report revises that downward to 5%. What will […]

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Historic Tax Amazon Victory in Seattle!

Our movement is beating Jeff Bezos (again)! Seattle City Council’s Budget Committee voted for a tax on Amazon and big business that will raise $240 million annually. This victory is the result of determined class struggle by a democratically-organized grassroots campaign, including 27,000 signatures on our ballot initiative to Tax Amazon. Our movement will remain […]

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