India, China, Border Conflict

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Indian and Chinese Soldiers Die for the Economic and Geopolitical Interests of Their Ruling Classes On June the 15th, 20 Indian soldiers and possibly a similar number of Chinese soldiers died on the contested border between China and India in the Himalayan region of […]

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Review of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, Jane McAlevy, Oxford University Press (2016)

Tony Wilsdon is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The spark ignited by West Virginia teachers in 2018 has given new energy to the labor movement. The dynamic teacher strikes which spread from “red states” to big urban areas like Los Angeles and Oakland, centered around mobilization of teachers themselves with active support […]

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Brazil: Fight the Three Plagues — Bolsonaro, the Pandemic and Social & Racial Inequality!

Brazil is moving quickly towards the abyss. We are the victims of three plagues that terribly affect the lives of workers and the Brazilian people — the pandemic, the authoritarian and genocidal escalation of the Bolsonaro government, and the dramatic deepening of the economic and social crisis and the inequalities that mark the country, including […]

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