Tax Amazon: Strike While the Iron is Hot

Kshama Sawant is a Seattle City Councilmember and a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. This article first published on The history of American capitalism is full of corporate bullying, threats and even violence against working people when we stand up for our rights. Yet in spite of Amazon’s all-out, attempted hostile corporate takeover […]

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Iran: Trump brings region closer to war

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). The headline and editorial in the Lebanese pro-Hezbollah newspaper “Al-Akhbar” on Friday read: “The martyrdom of Soleimani: It is war!” This is just one of the first angry reactions to the overnight US drone attack on the convoy leaving Baghdad International airport that killed […]

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Vicious Tories win with lies – but mass struggle looms on the horizon

 The Conservative victory at the general election is a major setback for the working class and youth of Britain. The bumbling bigot Johnson will whip up prejudice and launch further attacks on our services, livelihoods and environment. This will meet with resistance which we will support and help organise. Local ‘conferences of resistance’ should be […]

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