Why is the Amazon burning?

Electra Kleitsa is a member of Xekinima (CWI in Greece). It is estimated that since the beginning of 2019, when Jair Bolsonaro took over the presidency of Brazil, the Amazon lost an area of rainforest equal to one football field every minute. The countless fires that have broken out in recent weeks are destroying extremely […]

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North Africa and the revolutionary processes in Algeria and Sudan

This resolution was unanimously agreed at August meeting of CWI’s International Executive Committee. By bringing down two long-standing dictators within a week in April of this year, the revolutionary uprisings in Algeria and Sudan have confirmed the analysis made by the CWI eight years ago, while stunning most bourgeois scholars and commentators. At the time, […]

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World Economic Crisis

This resolution was unanimously agreed at August meeting of CWI’s International Executive Committee. We are rapidly approaching a decisive turning point in world relations with a slowdown in the world economy increasingly pointing towards a deeper downturn, including the possibility of a 2008-9 type financial crash. Such a development would find capitalism far less prepared […]

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Bureaucratic Coup Will Not Stop CWI Majority from Building a Strong Revolutionary Socialist International!

A minority of the CWI has bureaucratically forced through an unfortunate and damaging split in the worlds largest and most influential revolutionary socialist organization, the Committee for a Workers’ International. Those who follow the CWI, in its publications and activities, will be aware of the important debates that have taken place in our revolutionary socialist […]

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