A Marxist Approach to Fighting Oppression

Kailyn Nicholson is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia – if we take a broad view of the history and diversity of human societies, it’s obvious these forms of oppression are not inherent to all times and places. They arise and flourish under certain conditions, but not others. We […]

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US: Trump targets young immigrants

Teddy Shibabaw is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. After months of promising Dreamers that they had nothing to worry about and that he had a “big heart,” Trump sent out arch-reactionary AG Jeff Sessions to announce the repeal of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). This is a vicious attack on the […]

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North Korea: Nuclear stand-off – dangerous escalation of Washington and Pyongyang conflict

Niall Mulholland is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The North Korean bomb test on 3 September, the most powerful yet, and the bellicose reaction of the US, underlines the volatile and dangerous situation in the peninsula and entire region. The huge blast in the north of the country was felt in […]

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US: Hurricane Harvey – a tragedy made worse by capitalism

Brian Harrison, Patrick Ayers, and Ramy Khalil are members of Socialist Alternative in the US. Hurricane Harvey is a historic tragedy affecting millions of people. Socialist Alternative wishes to express our deepest solidarity to all those who have lost loved ones or homes, and will face hardship for weeks to come. Houston, the fourth-largest city […]

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Finding a Route to Socialism USA

Alan Jones is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. At the end of June, amid a growing discussion about socialism in the US, Bhaskar Sunkara wrote an important op-ed in the New York Times entitled ‘Socialism’s Future May Be Its Past’. ALAN JONES wrote a contribution on behalf of Socialist Alternative. This is […]

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Neo-Nazi Violence in Charlottesville Reawakens the Resistance

Ty Moore is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Mass Demonstrations and a Left Alternative Needed to Fight the Right The vicious white nationalist violence in Charlottesville and across the country this weekend has acted as a collective wake up call. A powerful left challenge must be built against racist violence, vigilante intimidation, […]

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Review: No Is Not Enough – Defeating the New Shock Politics

Laura Fitzgerald is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland). Reviewed of Naomi Klein’s new book, No is Not Enough,  Allen Lane, Canada, 2017 “[Trump is] the personification of the merger of humans and corporations – a one-man megabrand, whose wife and children are spin-off brands… He is the embodiment of the belief […]

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Socialists Spearhead Victory on $15 in Minneapolis

Ginger Jentzen is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Minneapolis is getting a raise, and becoming the first Midwestern city to enact a $15 an hour minimum wage. The proposal will benefit 71,000 workers, overwhelmingly women and workers of color. Winning $15 in Minneapolis shows another way cities can push back against Trump’s […]

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USA: Democratic Socialists of America Grows to 21,000

Philip Locker is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Toward a New Socialist Party! We are witnessing the largest opening to build the socialist movement in the U.S. in decades and it is not just leftists who recognize it. National Review, a leading right-wing journal, published a breathless warning in March titled “Socialism’s […]

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Protesting for Pride: LGBTQ Community Resists Trump

Tara Brown is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The rights of oppressed communities, as well as working people more broadly, are under attack by Trump, and the LGBTQ community is no exception. Key steps forward for LGBTQ rights are now on the line, with Obama-era gains like trans bathroom protections in schools […]

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