Eljeer Hawkins is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. JUSTICE FOR ALTON AND PHILANDO! First published on July 8, 2016 on US Socialist Alternative’s website (note that this was written when the identity of the killer of the 5 Dallas police officers was still unknown)  At least 136 black people have been killed by police in […]

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US: Beyond Bernie, Still Not With Her

Kshama Sawant is a Seattle City Councilmember and a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Since the June 7 California primary, the historic upheaval that coalesced around Bernie Sanders’ campaign has continued to defy the demands of the political establishment, but has also increasingly turned into a search for the way forward. After a powerful, […]

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Orlando: Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community Working people have been horrified and deeply shocked by the mass killing of 49 people at a Latino gay nightclub on Saturday night in Orlando, Florida. Vigils, some attended by thousands, have been held around […]

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Portrait of Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali and the Black Struggles of the 1960s

Originally published in February 2003 in Socialism Today. The great Muhammad Ali unfortunately passed away on June 3, 2016.  He was admired not only as a world champion boxer, but as a fearless fighter against racism.  His willingness to risk his career, prestige, and wealth to take a stand against racism and the Vietnam War […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #3

Fight for $15! Reconciliation Needs Housing and Healing TPP: Destroys Jobs and the Environment Housing Crisis in Vancouver and Toronto Pharmacare: The Right Prescription Work Sucks: We Need the Economy that Works for Workers Postal Workers Show the Way Upheaval in US Politics Québec Workers Mobilize: Union Leaders Demobilize 100 Years of Women’s Vote, but […]

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US election turmoil

Tony Saunois is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Bernie Sanders campaign – an opportunity to build a new party of the 99% The US Presidential election campaign represents a turning point in US society and the struggles of the working class, the middle class, young people and all those exploited by […]

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The Poisoning of Flint

First published on the US Socialist Alternative website, January 27 2016 A state of emergency has been declared in the city of Flint, Michigan. A belated response to a severe lead contamination of the city’s drinking water – which itself was the result of a bid to save money, no matter what the human costs, […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #2

Canada Needs a Raise! Fight for a $15 Minimum Wage Aboriginal Women Deserve Justice Strikers Rock Quebec Canada After the Election Trans-Pacific Partnership US Politics Shifts Left … and more form Canada and abroad For printed copies, please send us an e-mail to [email protected] Please consider making a donation to help with our costs and […]

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Socialist Wins in Seattle – Toronto Next?

The headline in ran: “Meet the Most Important Socialist in America Not Named Bernie Sanders.” It was about the impact of open Socialist, Kshama Sawant, who had just been re-elected in a Seattle Council election. The article went on to say, “Sanders isn’t the only socialist in the United States making a splash. Kshama […]

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Kshama Sawant Re-elected

Patrick Ayers is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Not only can socialists get elected, we can get re-elected. Watch Kshama Sawant’s video inviting people to join Socialist Alternative In Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood on the first night of the results, hundreds of campaign supporters are celebrating at our election night party. People […]

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