China in the Grip of “Japanification”

Property collapse deepens while concerns rise over slow and limited government intervention. China’s economic crisis entered a new more dangerous phase in August. Despite a tightening government clampdown on negative news, the overall picture is darkening week by week as China’s biggest property company Country Garden teeters on the brink of default and signs of […]

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The Robbery of Nature

Chris Stewart is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland), Bill Hopwood is a member of Socialist Alternative Canada. John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark, 2020, Monthly Review Capitalist production…only develops … by simultaneously undermining the original sources of all wealth — the soil and the worker. Marx, Capital The Robbery of Nature […]

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Workers Strike Back!

This article was published in the latest issue of Socialist Alternative’s magazine. Since then, further strikes have erupted including ILWU at BC’s ports and 27 Metro stores around Toronto. Over the last thirty years, academics and pundits have written off the working class, arguing that it has changed or disappeared. The last few years has […]

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“Green” Corporate Welfare Bums

Oliver Twist, desperately hungry in the workhouse, famously asked for “some more” thin gruel. Mr. Bumble is outraged and berates Oliver for his impertinence. Fast forward to 2023 Ontario, land of the business fat cats, auto makers Volkswagen (VW) and Stellantis, who do not request “more,” they demand billions in subsidies, or else. Not a […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Tony Gong is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. What Does ChatGPT Mean For Workers? The AI threat to livelihoods is spurring a growing anti-AI mood to resist automation. However, the conflict is not between AI and humans, but between workers and the bosses who use AI to exploit workers harder, deskill their […]

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NDP Fails in Alberta

Just over a year ago, the NDP was in front of the United Conservative Party (UCP) in every opinion poll, with an average lead of over 10 percent. Yet on May 29, the UCP won a majority of the votes (52.6 percent), and seats in the poll that matters: Alberta’s election.  In 2020 and 2021 […]

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