Greyhound Left the Station, and Canada

Greyhound has closed all its services across Canada. In 2018, it announced the closure of all its services in Western Canada and the federal government did nothing. This was a criminally missed opportunity to take over the entire, already-existing, Canada-wide bus network. Will they fail again this time? The loss of Greyhound leaves hundreds of […]

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Rogers-Shaw Merger: Monopoly and High Prices

For decades now the Canadian telecommunications industry has been an oligopoly of “the big three,” Rogers, Telus, and Bell. These three companies each have over ten million subscribers and own essentially all of the infrastructure in the country. The next largest competitor, Shaw, has less than two million subscribers. But recently, Rogers announced that it […]

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Is Capitalism Making the Rich Pay?

Per-Åke Westerlund is a member of Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (ISA in Sweden). Biden, the IMF and Taxes — A Socialist Response Why are the IMF, Joe Biden and the UK government, among many other capitalist institutions and governments suddenly advocating increased taxes? And will such measures solve any of the accumulating problems in the capitalist economy? […]

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Suez Canal Blocked

Anne Engelhardt is a member of Sozialistische Alternative (ISA in Germany). (Human) Crisis in Maritime Shipping Industry For six days the Ever Given, one of the biggest global container ships in the world, blocked the Suez Canal. Having navigated into a sand storm, it turned sideways and got stuck in the shallow waters of the […]

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Despite Growth Projections, World Economy Deeply Unstable

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The devastation caused by the pandemic-triggered global downturn in 2020 is hard to overstate. It was the biggest economic contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Across the world, working hours equivalent to 255 million jobs were lost. The World Bank estimates that […]

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The New Corporation – the Unfortunately Necessary Sequel

The 2003 film The Corporation explored the question “if a corporation is a person, what kind of person is it?” The film’s answer, in one of the best documentaries condemning corporations and capitalism, was that corporations are psychopaths. Psychopathy manifests itself in superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, a manipulative personality, pathological lying, lack […]

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Word cloud of economic terms including MMT

Modern Monetary Theory or Marxism?

Tony Gong is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Winning the Green New Deal and Medicare for All The global economic crisis has made clearer than ever the need for social spending. Workers, students, and youth in the US are rallying behind Medicare for All (M4A), cancellation of student debt, and a Green […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #17

Capitalism’s COVID Disaster Women Organize Against Oppression Indigenous Struggles Continue The Struggle for Jobs and Climate US – China Cold War Will Continue Latin America: Struggle Returns Unite Here: A Fighting Local in BC Housing Crisis Ahead If you’d like to order paper copies, email us [email protected] Please make a donation towards our costs and […]

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GameStop: Stock Market Gambling

Conor Payne is a member of the Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland). The Billionaires Own the Casino The price of shares for GameStop went up 700% in the past week due to what people have called a “bloodbath” with small investors, organised through a subgroup on Reddit, going against a Wall Street hedge fund’s prediction […]

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No Vaccine Against Economic Depression

Eric Byl is a member of ISA’s International Executive. “Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us.” F. Engel 1883 — Dialectics of Nature Many will have felt relieved at the successful development of a first generation of […]

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