World Economy: Scrap RCEP: The Fight Begins Now!

Why we must fight this anti-working class trade deal On 15 November the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was launched by fifteen governments in the Asia-Pacific region. The clear intention of the negotiators was to launch a typically neoliberal trade agreement, which if fully implemented will reduce tariffs and non-tariff barriers between the ten members […]

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With Capitalism in Unprecedented Crisis, Socialism is the Answer

John Hird is a member of Socialismo Revolucionario (ISA in the Spanish State). The recent avalanche of articles reporting the pronouncements of the pillars of capitalist rule such as the IMF, World Bank and EU in the financial press regarding the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, indicate we are at an important […]

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Nightmare of Neo-Liberal Ideology

The ruling class of society keeps control through a mix of repression, ideology and material provisioning of the population it rules. Repression alone is expensive and, in the long run, ineffective to keep power. Rulers usually have to provide some material protection and provisioning of society, whether that is keeping the people of a city […]

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Britain/Europe: Brexit, and the New Global “Age of Disorder”

Danny Byrne is a member of International Socialist Alternative. “Remember Brexit?”, was the title of the New York Times’ main editorial on 11 September. It summed up a sensation that was palpable during the Spring and Summer months of 2020, in Britain and elsewhere. It reflected both a certain bemusement, and an acknowledgement of the […]

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Canada’s Uncertain Future

Including Growing Second Wave and New Closures Even now, nine months since reports of COVID-9 emerged Canada still does not have enough PPE or test kits and tracing is weak. For months, Canadians have been held in the grip of an unprecedented pandemic that has left few people untouched. Canada failed to protect workers and […]

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Inter-Imperialist Conflict and a New Cold War

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). This article is based on an introductory speech at the ISA Virtual Marxist University in July 2020. The background to the discussion and to the period we are in is the deep structural crisis of capitalism, that is the world recession, triggered and accelerated […]

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Socialism: How Would a Planned Economy Work?

Peter Delsing is a member of Linkse Socialistiche Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (ISA in Belgium). Defence of democratic socialist planning a fundamental task for successful social transformation This article is based on an introductory speech given to a commission on “Marxist economics — How would a planned economy work?” at ISA’s Virtual Marxist University in […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #16

After a pause due to COVID restrictions, Socialist Alternative has produced a new 20-page bumper issue. For Socialist Reconstruction Canada “Reopens” to Uncertain Future For Climate and Jobs The Pandemic for Women’s Oppression The Dire State of Canadian Youth Police: A Tool of the Capitalist State Against Indigenous Peoples Capitalism Made COVID Disaster Kenny’s Attack […]

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Canada-Wide Transport Disaster – Public Ownership Needed

In 1967 the Boxtops sang “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane, ain’t got time to take a fast train.” 53 years later in the Canada of COVID-19, the chances of going anywhere, whether by plane or train or even long-distance bus, are severely limited. Even before COVID, Canada’s transportation system between towns and cities […]

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Kenney’s Assault on Alberta Continues

Alberta has a long and proud history of community support, cooperatives and working-class struggle, yet in taking a page straight from the political playbooks of the US right wing, the United Conservative Party (UCP) continues to dismember, subdivide and undersell our province’s wealth and security, bankrupting current and future generations. Jason Kenney recently announced a […]

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